Zachary D. Kaufman

University of Florida Levin College of Law

Professor of Law

P.O. Box 117625

Gainesville, FL 32611-7625

United States


Boston University - School of Law

Kleh Visiting Professor in International Law (Spring 2023)

765 Commonwealth Avenue

Boston, MA 02215

United States

Washington University in St. Louis - School of Law

Visiting Associate Professor of Law (Spring 2022)

Campus Box 1120

St. Louis, MO 63130

United States

University of Houston Law Center

Associate Professor of Law and Political Science and Co-Director, Criminal Justice Institute (Fall 2019 - Summer 2023)

4104 Martin Luther King Boulevard

Houston, TX 77204-6060

United States

Stanford Law School

Former Lecturer and Fellow

559 Nathan Abbott Way

Stanford, CA 94305-8610

United States

Yale University - Law School

Former Associate Research Scholar and Robina Foundation Visiting Fellow

P.O. Box 208215

New Haven, CT 06520-8215

United States

Harvard University - Harvard Kennedy School (HKS)

Former Senior Fellow

79 John F. Kennedy Street

Cambridge, MA 02138

United States



Rank 2,794


Top 2,794

in Total Papers Downloads






Scholarly Papers (64)


Democratizing Entrepreneurship: An Overview of the Past, Present, and Future of Crowdfunding

Bloomberg BNA Securities Regulation & Law Report, Volume 45, Number 5: 208-217, February 2013
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 05 Feb 2013
Zachary D. Kaufman, Theodore Kassinger and Heather Traeger
University of Florida Levin College of Law, O'Melveny & Myers LLP and O'Melveny & Myers LLP
Downloads 2,167 (14,105)



Small business, entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, crowdfunding, financing, fundraising, capital, Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act, JOBS Act, CROWDFUND Act, Securities Act of 1933, Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Kickstarter, Securities and Exchange Commission, Financial Industry Regulatory Authority


Protectors of Predators or Prey: Bystanders and Upstanders Amid Sexual Crimes

Southern California Law Review, Volume 92, pp. 1317-1406 (2019)
Number of pages: 90 Posted: 03 Apr 2018 Last Revised: 08 Dec 2019
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 1,538 (24,099)



sexual violence, rape, sexual misconduct, sexual abuse, Bad Samaritan laws, duty to report, duty to rescue, bystanders, upstanders, punishment, prevention, deterrence, incentives, self-incrimination, Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstein, Larry Nassar, Holocaust, Syria, Rwanda, Genovese, Araujo, Iverson


The Nuremberg Tribunal v. The Tokyo Tribunal: Designs, Staffs, and Operations

John Marshall Law Review, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 753-768, 2010
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 27 Aug 2011 Last Revised: 12 Sep 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 1,118 (38,339)



Transitional Justice, War Crimes Tribunals, Nuremberg Tribunal, Tokyo Tribunal, ICTY, ICTR, International Criminal Court, SCSL, ECCC, Atrocities, Genocide, War Crimes, World War II, Holocaust, Japan, Germany, United States, U.S. Foreign Policy, United Nations Security Council, International Law


Lessons from Rwanda: Post-Genocide Law and Policy

Stanford Law & Policy Review Online, 2019
Number of pages: 22 Posted: 05 Aug 2019
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 881 (53,639)



International Law, International Criminal Law, Transitional Justice, Atrocity Crimes, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Rwanda, Rwandan Genocide, Genocide Against the Tutsi, Holocaust, Hate Speech, Atrocity Prevention, Sexual Abuse, Rape, United Nations, UN, ICC, ICTR, ICTY, Bystanders


Making Social and Environmental Impact Through Legal Careers: The Top 10 Roles for Attorneys in Social Entrepreneurship

LawForChange: The Legal Forum for Social Innovators, pp. 1-16
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 05 Sep 2013
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 829 (58,320)



Small business, Small businesses, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Social Enterprise Law, Law School, LawForChange, Ashoka, Echoing Green, Grameen Bank, Indego Africa, White House Office of Social Innovation and Civic Participation, Crowdfund, Crowdfunding


Digital Age Samaritans

Boston College Law Review, Volume 62, pages 1117-1192 (2021), U of Houston Law Center No. 2020-A-43
Number of pages: 76 Posted: 02 Dec 2020 Last Revised: 30 Apr 2021
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 737 (68,138)



Criminal Law, Bad Samaritan Laws, Duty to Report, Duty to Rescue, Bystanders, Upstanders, Enablers, Digital Age, Social Media, Mobile Devices, Internet, Sexual Violence, Rape, Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Abuse, State Law, Federal Law, Punishment, Preve


The United States, Syria, and the International Criminal Court: Implications of the Rome Statute's Aggression Amendment

Harvard International Law Journal Online, Volume 55, Pages 35-44, 2013
Number of pages: 10 Posted: 15 Dec 2013 Last Revised: 16 Feb 2014
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 713 (71,116)



International Law, International Criminal Law, Transitional Justice, Diplomacy, U.S. Foreign Policy, United States, Syria, Uganda, International Criminal Court, ICC, Rome Statute, Use of Force, Aggression, Chemical Weapons, Military Intervention, Humanitarian Intervention, National Security


No Right to Fight: The Modern Implications of Japan's Pacifist Postwar Constitution

Yale Journal of International Law, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 266-273, 2008
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 20 Aug 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 675 (76,226)



Japan, United States, North Korea, China, Iraq, World War II, Military, Remilitarization, Rearmament, Nationalism, Revisionism, Pacifism, Terrorism, Atrocities, War Crimes, Constitution, United Nations Security Council, Self-Defense, Defense, Offense, Aggression, Nuclear Weapons, Peacekeeping


The Prospects, Problems, and Proliferation of Recent UN Investigations of International Law Violations

Journal of International Criminal Justice, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp. 93-112 (2018)
Number of pages: 20 Posted: 25 Feb 2018 Last Revised: 03 Apr 2018
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 652 (79,700)



International Law, Atrocity Crimes, United Nations, ISIL, ISIS, Islamic State, Daesh, Da'esh, Terrorism, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Yazidi, Yezidi, International Criminal Court, Iraq, Syria, Myanmar, Burundi, Yemen, ICC, Justice, Accountability, Human Rights, Investigations


Transitional Justice as Genocide Prevention: From a Culture of Impunity to a Culture of Accountability

CONFRONTING GENOCIDE IN RWANDA: DEHUMANIZATION, DENIAL, AND STRATEGIES FOR PREVENTION, pp.363-78 (Jean-Damascène Gasanabo, David J. Simon & Margee M. Ensign, eds. 2014) (2d ed. 2015)
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 26 Apr 2014 Last Revised: 07 Dec 2015
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 634 (82,499)



International Law, International Criminal Law, Transitional Justice, War Crimes Prosecutions, Genocide, Genocide Convention, Atrocities, Rwanda, United States, France, United Nations, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, International Criminal Court, Gacaca, Accountability, Impunity


The Future of Transitional Justice

St. Antony's International Review (University of Oxford Journal of International Relations), Vol. 1, pp. 58-81, 2005
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 20 Aug 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 605 (87,458)



Transitional Justice, Amnesty, Lustration, De-Baathification, Exile, Assassination, Prosecution, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Atrocities, Military Tribunals, Truth Commissions, ICTR, ICTY, ICC, IST, SCSL, ECCC, Charles Taylor, United States, Rwanda, Liberia, Iraq, Nigeria


Legislating Atrocity Prevention

Harvard Journal on Legislation, Volume 57, pp. 163-218
Number of pages: 56 Posted: 11 Nov 2019 Last Revised: 14 Feb 2020
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 589 (90,576)



Legislation, Foreign Relations Law, International Law, Foreign Policy, U.S. Foreign Policy, National Security Law, National Security, National Interest, Atrocity Prevention, Transitional Justice, International Justice, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Atrocity Crimes, Syria, Rwanda


Police Policing Police

George Washington Law Review, Vol. 91, No. 2, pages 353-445, 2023
Number of pages: 93 Posted: 27 May 2022 Last Revised: 07 May 2023
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 552 (98,333)
Citation 1



criminal law, Bad Samaritan laws, duty to aid, duty to report, duty to rescue, duty to intervene, Officer Duty to Intervene, bystanders, upstanders, state law, federal law, police, policing, police killing, police violence, police brutality, police reform, George Floyd, Derek Chauvin


After Genocide

AFTER GENOCIDE: TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE, POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION, AND RECONCILIATION IN RWANDA AND BEYOND, pp. 1-19, Phil Clark & Zachary D. Kaufman, eds., Columbia University Press and C. Hurst & Co., 2009 (Re-published by Oxford University Press, 2013)
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 25 Aug 2011 Last Revised: 01 Mar 2014
Zachary D. Kaufman and Phil Clark
University of Florida Levin College of Law and University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Downloads 540 (101,069)



Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Conflict Resolution, Peace, Healing, Forgiveness, Truth, Revisionism, Memory, Rwanda, Darfur, DRC, Uganda, Africa, Kovoso, Genocide, Atrocities, Gacaca, ICTR, ICTY, ICC, International Law, International Criminal Law


International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE, Nadya Nedelsky & Lavinia Stan, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2012
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 21 Feb 2013
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 506 (109,415)



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, New Zealand, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, ICTY, Human Rights, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Refugees, Kigali, Arusha


Youth and Social Entrepreneurship

Diplomatic Courier (January/February 2013)
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 28 Jan 2013
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 467 (120,423)



Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Atrocities, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Conflict Resolution, Development, Peace-building, Growth, Africa, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, United States, Orphans, AIDS, Youth


New UN Team Investigating ISIS Atrocities Raises Questions About Justice in Iraq and Beyond

Just Security, September 28, 2017
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 29 Sep 2017
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 433 (131,603)



Transitional Justice, United Nations, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Da'esh, Iraq, Syria, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes against Humanity, Atrocities, Sexual Violence, United States, United Kingdom, Russia, China, Burma, Rohingya, Sovereignty, Responsibility to Protect, International Court, Hybrid Tribunal


From the Aztecs to the Kalahari Bushmen -- Conservative Justices' Citation of Foreign Sources: Consistency, Inconsistency, or Evolution?

Yale Journal of International Law Online, Volume 41, 2015
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 05 Aug 2015 Last Revised: 24 Aug 2015
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 421 (135,937)
Citation 1



U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Constitution, Fourteenth Amendment, Precedent, Obergefell, Hodges, Foreign Sources, Foreign Law, International Law, Magna Carta, Marriage, Marriage Equality, Same-Sex Marriage, Family, Culture, Tradition, Capital Punishment, Death Penalty, Abortion, Sodomy, Greece


Social Entrepreneurship in the Age of Atrocities: Introduction

SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE AGE OF ATROCITIES: CHANGING OUR WORLD, pp. 1-19, Zachary D. Kaufman, ed., Edward Elgar Publishing., 2012
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 21 Sep 2012 Last Revised: 25 Sep 2012
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 384 (150,982)



Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Atrocities, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Human Rights, Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Conflict Resolution, Development, Peace-building, Growth, Africa, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Refugees, Orphans, AIDS


Tensions in Transitional Justice

AFTER GENOCIDE: TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE, POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION, AND RECONCILIATION IN RWANDA AND BEYOND, pp. 381-391, Phil Clark & Zachary D. Kaufman, eds., Columbia University Press and C. Hurst & Co., 2009 (Re-published by Oxford University Press, 2013)
Number of pages: 11 Posted: 25 Aug 2011 Last Revised: 11 Jun 2013
Zachary D. Kaufman, Phil Clark and Kalypso A. Nicolaidis
University of Florida Levin College of Law, University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and University of Oxford
Downloads 367 (158,807)



Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Peace, Healing, Forgiveness, Truth, Memory, Rwanda, Genocide, Atrocities, Gacaca, ICTR, ICTY, ICC, United Nations Security Council, International Law, International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law


Rwanda: Recent History (2013)

Africa South of the Sahara, pp. 984-92 (2012)
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 27 Oct 2012 Last Revised: 29 Oct 2012
Zachary D. Kaufman and Phil Clark
University of Florida Levin College of Law and University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Downloads 360



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Refugees, Kigali, Arusha, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections


Social Entrepreneurship in a Post-Genocide Society: Building Rwanda’s First Public Library, the Kigali Public Library

SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE AGE OF ATROCITIES: CHANGING OUR WORLD, pp. 58-82, Zachary D. Kaufman, ed., Edward Elgar Publishing., 2012
Number of pages: 25 Posted: 21 Sep 2012 Last Revised: 25 Sep 2012
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 347 (168,785)



Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Atrocities, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Human Rights, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Development, Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Rwandan Genocide, Kigali Public Library, Libraries, Education, Media, Rotary International, AFKPL, RCKV


Transitional Justice Delayed Is Not Transitional Justice Denied: Contemporary Confrontation of Japanese Human Experimentation During World War II Through a People's Tribunal

Yale Law & Policy Review, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 645-659, 2008
Number of pages: 15 Posted: 09 Sep 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 346 (169,306)



Transitional Justice, International Law, International Criminal Law, Japan, United States, U.S.S.R., China, Korea, Nazi Germany, Human Experimentation, Comfort Women, Atrocities, Genocide, War Crimes, World War II, Cold War, ICC, ICTY, ICTR, United Nations, International Citizens' Tribunals


Book Review: Naomi Roht-Arriaza, The Pinochet Effect: Transnational Justice in the Age of Human Rights

Yale Journal of International Law, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 297-300, 2006
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 20 Aug 2011 Last Revised: 08 Sep 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 333 (176,460)



Naomi Roht-Arriaza, Augusto Pinochet, Slobodan Milosevic, Transnational Justice, Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Justice, Universal Jurisdiction, Alien Tort Statute, ICC, ICTR, ICTY, War Crimes Tribunals, Chile, International Law, International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law


The United States Role in the Establishment of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

AFTER GENOCIDE: TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE, POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION, AND RECONCILIATION IN RWANDA AND BEYOND, pp. 229-260, Phil Clark & Zachary D. Kaufman, eds., Columbia University Press and C. Hurst & Co., 2009 (Re-published by Oxford University Press, 2013)
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 25 Aug 2011 Last Revised: 11 Mar 2015
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 327 (179,903)



Transitional Justice, War Crimes Tribunals, ICTR, ICTY, Rwanda, United States, U.S. Department of State, Russia, France, Spain, New Zealand, United Nations Security Council, Genocide, Atrocities, Cold War, International Law, International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law


Give the Nobel Peace Prize Posthumously

Foreign Policy (2017)
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 05 Oct 2017 Last Revised: 06 Oct 2017
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 321 (183,458)



Nobel, Nobel Prize, Nobel Peace Prize, Peace, Aung San Suu Kyi, Burma, Myanmar, Rohingya, Genocide, Terrorist, Terrorism, Hero, Heroism, Saint, Malala Yousafzai, Gandhi, Yasser Arafat, Henry Kissinger, Pulitzer, Medal of Honor, Incentive, Award, Prize, Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, Tony


Transitional Justice for Tōjō's Japan: The United States Role in the Establishment of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East and Other Transitional Justice Mechanisms for Japan after World War II

Emory International Law Review, Vol. 27, No. 2, 2013
Number of pages: 44 Posted: 14 Mar 2014 Last Revised: 25 Mar 2014
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 317 (185,805)



International Law, International Criminal Law, Transitional Justice, War Crimes Prosecutions, Amnesty, Lustration, Tokyo Tribunal, International Military Tribunal for the Far East, Nuremberg Tribunal, International Criminal Court, World War II, Diplomacy, U.S. Foreign Policy, United States, Japan


Rwanda: Recent History (2012)

AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA 2012, pp. 993-1001, Iain Frame, ed., Routledge, 2011
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 13 Jan 2012 Last Revised: 01 Feb 2012
Zachary D. Kaufman and Phil Clark
University of Florida Levin College of Law and University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Downloads 285 (207,900)



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanazania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Refugees, Kigali, Arusha, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections

Transitional Justice Delayed Is Not Transitional Justice Denied: Contemporary Confrontation of Japanese Human Experimentation During World War II Through a People’s Tribunal

PEOPLE'S TRIBUNALS, HUMAN RIGHTS, AND THE LAW: SEARCHING FOR JUSTICE 163-74 (Regina Menachery Paulose ed., 2020), U of Houston Law Center No. 2020-A-2
Number of pages: 25 Posted: 17 Jan 2020 Last Revised: 07 Apr 2020
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 238 (247,696)



Japan, United States, human experimentation, people's tribunals, World War II, international law, international criminal law, transitional justice, genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, atrocity crimes, sexual abuse, rape, women, comfort women, International Criminal Court, ICC, ICTR, ICTY

Transitional Justice Delayed Is Not Transitional Justice Denied: Contemporary Confrontation of Japanese Human Experimentation During World War II Through a People’s Tribunal

Journal of War Crimes and Trials No. 2 2023
Number of pages: 13 Posted: 11 Nov 2023
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 36 (863,821)



Transitional Justice, International Law, International Criminal Law, Japan, United States, U.S.S.R., China, Korea, Nazi Germany, Human Experimentation, Comfort Women, Atrocities, Genocide, War Crimes, World War II, Cold War, United Nations, ICC, ICTR, ICTY, International Citizens' Tribunals


Emerging Voices: Zachary D. Kaufman on Social Entrepreneurship

Council on Foreign Relations, November 2012
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 01 Dec 2012 Last Revised: 03 Dec 2012
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 272 (218,130)



Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Atrocities, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Human Rights, Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Conflict Resolution, Development, Peace-building, Growth, Africa, Rwanda, Sierra Leone


Social Entrepreneurship in the Age of Atrocities: Lessons Learned and Conclusion

SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE AGE OF ATROCITIES: CHANGING OUR WORLD, pp. 189-221, Zachary D. Kaufman, ed., Edward Elgar Publishing., 2012
Number of pages: 33 Posted: 21 Sep 2012 Last Revised: 25 Sep 2012
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 269 (220,495)



Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Atrocities, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Human Rights, Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Conflict Resolution, Development, Peace-building, Growth, Africa, Rwanda, Scalability, Management, Leadership


International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

Encyclopedia of Transitional Justice (Nadya Nedelsky & Lavinia Stan eds., 2d ed. 2023)
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 11 Feb 2019 Last Revised: 15 Aug 2024
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 262 (226,350)



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, New Zealand, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, ICTY, Human Rights, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Refugees, Kigali, Arusha, MICT, ICC


Rwanda: Recent History (2014)

Africa South of the Sahara 2014, pp. 980-88 (Iain Frame, ed., Routledge, 2013)
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 18 Dec 2013 Last Revised: 19 Dec 2013
Phil Clark and Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 261



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Refugees, Kigali, Arusha, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections


Jesner v. Arab Bank: U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security Interests

Just Security, 2017
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 11 Oct 2017
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 259 (228,989)



Alien Tort Statute, Jesner v. Arab Bank, Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum Co., U.S. Supreme Court, Terrorism, Terrorism Financing, Israel, Palestine, Palestinian Territories, West Bank, Gaza, Jordan, United States, Foreign Policy, National Security, International Law, Human Rights


Appendix: Social Entrepreneurship Resources and Institutions

SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN THE AGE OF ATROCITIES: CHANGING OUR WORLD, pp. 225-245, Zachary D. Kaufman, ed., Edward Elgar Publishing., 2012
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 25 Sep 2012
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 248 (238,924)



Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Atrocities, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Human Rights, Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Conflict Resolution, Development, Peace-building, Foundations, Fellowships, Academia, Blogs, Conferences, Competitions, Networks


Justice in Jeopardy: Accountability for the Darfur Atrocities

Criminal Law Forum, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 343-360, 2006
Number of pages: 18 Posted: 21 Aug 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 247 (239,840)



Transitional Justice, Accountability, Deterrence, Darfur, Sudan, Rwanda, Arusha, Tanzania, Africa, Iraq, United States, U.S. foreign policy, Genocide, Atrocities, War Crimes Tribunals, ICC, ICTR, ICTY, United Nations Security Council, International Law, International Criminal Law


The Rwandan Experience

RWANDA AND SOUTH AFRICA IN DIALOGUE: ADDRESSING THE LEGACIES OF GENOCIDE AND A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, pp.41-45, Charles Villa-Vicencio and Tyrone Savage, eds., Institute of Justice and Reconciliation, 2001.
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 13 Sep 2011 Last Revised: 14 Sep 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 236 (250,831)



Transitional Justice, Retributive Justice, Restorative Justice, Retribution, Forgiveness, Rwanda, South Africa, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Rwandan Patriotic Front, Nuremberg Tribunal, Germany, Nazis, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide


Rwanda: Recent History (2015)

Africa South of the Sahara 2015, pp. 971-79 (Iain Frame, ed., Routledge, 2014)
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 13 Nov 2014 Last Revised: 24 Nov 2014
Zachary D. Kaufman and Phil Clark
University of Florida Levin College of Law and University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Downloads 224 (263,711)



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Refugees, Kigali, Arusha, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections


Book Review: Designing Criminal Tribunals: Sovereignty and International Concerns in the Protection of Human Rights, by Steven D. Roper & Lilian A. Barria

Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal, Vol. 10, pp. 209-214, 2007
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 07 Sep 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 222 (265,851)



Transitional Justice, International Criminal Tribunals, War Crimes, Sovereignty, Human Rights, United Nations, ICTR, ICTY, SCSL, ECCC, SCPET, IHRC, Nuremberg Tribunal, Tokyo Tribunal, International Law, International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law


Balancing Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics: U.S. Policy-Making on Transitional Justice

Justice in Conflict, 2016
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 12 Nov 2016
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 216 (272,790)



Transitional Justice, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Syria, Iraq, Genocide War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Atrocity, U.S. Foreign Policy, White House, Atrocities Prevention Board, PSD-10, International Criminal Court, ICC, Rome Statute, Truth Commissions, Truth and Reconciliation Commissions


Prod Bystanders to be 'Upstanders' like Darnella Frazier

Houston Chronicle, 2021
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 06 May 2021
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 215 (273,988)



Bystanders, Upstanders, Heroes, Darnella Frazier, George Floyd, Derek Chauvin, Police Brutality, Police Killing, Save, Rescue, Protect, Rape, Sexual Assault, Child Abuse, Murder, Criminal Law, Bad Samaritan Laws, Duty To Report


Preparing for Aggressive Congressional Investigations in 2013

Corporate Counsel, 2012
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 06 Jun 2012 Last Revised: 07 Jun 2012
Zachary D. Kaufman, K. Blalack and David Leviss
University of Florida Levin College of Law, affiliation not provided to SSRN and affiliation not provided to SSRN
Downloads 209 (281,354)



congressional investigations, congressional oversight, U.S. Congress, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, U.S. President, White House, Democratic party, Republican party, Barack Obama, Mitt Romney, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon, O'Melveny & Myers


Rwanda: Recent History (2011)

AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA 2011, pp. 977-985, Iain Frame, ed., Routledge, 2010
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 13 Sep 2011
Phil Clark and Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 194 (301,181)



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanazania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Refugees, Kigali, Arusha, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections


Comment (on Managing the Rule of Law in the Americas)

University of Miami Inter-American Law Review, Vol. 42, No. 3, 2011
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 10 Nov 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 189 (308,324)



trade, trade agreements, regional trade agreements, human rights, rule of law, U.S. foreign policy, multilateralism, international trade, international arbitration, dispute resolution, corporate social responsibility, Latin America, Rwanda, China, United States, GATT, WTO, NAFTA, MERCOSUL, MERCOSUR


Introduction: United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics

United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics (Oxford University Press). 2016
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 22 Aug 2016
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 183 (317,318)



Transitional Justice, International Justice, U.S. Foreign Policy, International Law, International Criminal Law, War Crimes Tribunals, International Criminal Court, ICC, Nuremberg Tribunal, IMT, Tokyo Tribunal, IMTFE, Rwanda Tribunal, ICTR, Yugoslav Tribunal, ICTY, War Crimes Prosecutions, Genocide


Testimony to the Belgian Parliament Regarding the Islamic State's Genocide Against the Yezidi

Belgian Parliament; Testimony Regarding Draft Resolution Document 55 1766/001; 2021
Number of pages: 7 Posted: 15 Jun 2021
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 181 (320,542)



Criminal Law, International Law, International Criminal Law, Belgium, Yezidi, Yezidis, Yazidi, Yazidis, Genocide, Atrocity Crimes, Genocide Convention, Islamic State, Prosecution, Accountability, Terrorism, Foreign Terrorist Fighters, United Nations, International Criminal Court, Syria, Iraq, Rwanda


Bibliography: United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics

United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics (Oxford University Press). 271-317, 2016
Number of pages: 47 Posted: 22 Aug 2016
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 173 (333,722)



Transitional Justice, International Justice, U.S. Foreign Policy, International Law, International Criminal Law, War Crimes Tribunals, International Criminal Court, ICC, Nuremberg Tribunal, IMT, Tokyo Tribunal, IMTFE, Rwanda Tribunal, ICTR, Yugoslav Tribunal, ICTY, War Crimes Prosecutions, Genocide


Afterword of United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics

Number of pages: 14 Posted: 28 Mar 2017
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 166 (345,881)



Transitional Justice, International Justice, U.S. foreign policy, International Law, International Criminal Law, War crimes tribunals, International Criminal Court, ICC, Nuremberg Tribunal, IMT, Tokyo Tribunal, IMTFE, Rwanda Tribunal, ICTR, Yugoslav Tribunal, ICTY, War crimes prosecutions, Genocide


Conclusion: United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics

United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics (Oxford University Press). 203-14 (Chapter 8), 2016
Number of pages: 16 Posted: 22 Aug 2016
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 165 (347,671)



Transitional Justice, International Justice, U.S. Foreign Policy, International Law, International Criminal Law, War Crimes Tribunals, International Criminal Court, ICC, Nuremberg Tribunal, IMT, Tokyo Tribunal, IMTFE, Rwanda Tribunal, ICTR, Yugoslav Tribunal, ICTY, War Crimes Prosecutions, Genocide


Rwanda: Recent History (2009)

Thomas Ofcansky, AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA 2009, pp. 924-931, Iain Frame, ed., Routledge, 2008
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 12 Sep 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman and Phil Clark
University of Florida Levin College of Law and University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Downloads 143 (391,124)



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Kigali, Arusha, Refugees, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections


Prosecutors Can Abuse Discretion to Seek Charges. We Propose Some Fixes

Chicago Tribune (Apr. 6, 2022)
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 09 Apr 2022
Zachary D. Kaufman and Ken M. Levy
University of Florida Levin College of Law and Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge - Paul M. Hebert Law Center
Downloads 133 (414,111)



bystanders, upstanders, prosecutors, prosecute, reform, criminal law, criminal justice, criminal justice reform, Bad Samaritan laws, duty to report, white collar crime, Ahmaud Arbery, Jackie Johnson, American Bar Association, state bar associations


Rwanda: Recent History (2010)

AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA 2010, pp.968-976, Iain Frame, ed., Routledge, 2009
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 13 Sep 2011
Phil Clark and Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies and University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 131 (418,993)



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Kigali, Arusha, Refugees, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections


Addressing the Islamic State's Genocide Against the Yezidi at the Belgian Parliament

Opinio Juris, 2021
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 24 Jun 2021
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 129 (423,864)



Criminal Law, International Law, International Criminal Law, Belgium, Yezidi, Yezidis, Yazidi, Yazidis, Genocide, Genocide Convention, Islamic State, Prosecution, Accountability, Terrorism, Foreign Terrorist Fighters, United Nations, International Criminal Court, Rwanda, Syria, Iraq


BLM and International Human Rights Law: The Challenge of Systemic Racism

American Society of International Law Proceedings 277-88 (2021)
Number of pages: 12 Posted: 08 Apr 2022
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 127 (428,970)



Human Rights, International Law, International Human Rights Law, Human Rights Law, Social Science, Racism, Systemic Racism, Black Lives Matter, Social Justice


Rwanda: Recent History (2008)

Thomas Ofcansky, AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA 2008, pp. 927-934, Iain Frame, ed., Routledge, 2007
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 12 Sep 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman and Phil Clark
University of Florida Levin College of Law and University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Downloads 127 (428,970)



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Kigali, Arusha, Refugees, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections


Rwanda: Recent History (2007)

Thomas Ofcansky, AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA 2007, pp. 935-942, Iain Frame, ed., Routledge, 2006
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 12 Sep 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman and Phil Clark
University of Florida Levin College of Law and University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Downloads 124 (436,917)



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Kigali, Arusha, Refugees, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections


Marshall Scholars' Public Service Projects Handbook

MARSHALL SCHOLARS' PUBLIC SERVICE PROJECTS HANDBOOK, Zachary D. Kaufman, ed., Association of Marshall Scholars, 2010
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 12 Sep 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 120 (447,807)



Social Entrepreneurship, Public Service, Non-Profit Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Marshall Scholars, Rhodes Scholars, Gates Scholars, Kigali Public Library, Education, Public Libraries, Public Schools, Darfur, Climate Change, United States, United Kingdom, India, Rwanda


Preface to Roots in Jewish History: Suffering, Survival, Triumph

ROOTS IN JEWISH HISTORY: SUFFERING, SURVIVAL, TRIUMPH, pp.i-ii, Shalom Coleman, Coleman Literary Promotions, 2008
Number of pages: 2 Posted: 13 Sep 2011 Last Revised: 14 Sep 2011
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 118 (453,487)



History, Religion, Judaism, Jews, Christianity, Judeo-Christian Values, Islam, Middle East, Darfur, Iraq, Shalom Coleman


Rwanda: Recent History (2016)

AFRICA SOUTH OF THE SAHARA 2016, pp. 969-77 (Iain Frame ed., Routledge, 2015)
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 22 Jun 2018
Zachary D. Kaufman and Phil Clark
University of Florida Levin College of Law and University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies
Downloads 113 (468,596)



Transitional Justice, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Belgium, France, Sudan, Darfur, Hutu, Tutsi, United Nations, UN Security Council, ICTR, Gacaca, Human Rights, Genocide, Refugees, Kigali, Arusha, Paul Kagame, African Union, Elections


Foreword to Spiritual Treasure

Spiritual Treasure, pp.v-vi (Andrew Blitz, Vivid Publishing, 2013)
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 23 Dec 2013
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 110 (477,855)



Shalom Coleman, History, Religion, Judaism, Jews, Jewish History, Rabbi, Biography, Australia, South Africa, Rwanda, United Kingdom, United States, West Virginia, Rotary International, Kigali Public Library


Full Accountability for Genocide in Rwanda Remains Elusive 30 Years Later

Number of pages: 3 Posted: 07 Jun 2024
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 57 (699,442)



Genocide, Genocide Against the Tutsi, 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi, Rwandan Genocide, Rwanda, Justice, Accountability, Fugitive, Fugitives, UN, United Nations, UN Security Council, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, International Courts, International Criminal Tribunals, International Criminal Courts, Mass Murder, Atrocity, Atrocities, Atrocity Crimes, Rwandans, Tutsi, Tutsis, Hutu, Hutus, U.S. Foreign Policy


United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics

United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics (Oxford University Press, 2016)
Posted: 21 Apr 2016
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law



Transitional Justice, U.S. Foreign Policy, International Law, International Criminal Law, War Crimes Tribunals, International Criminal Court, ICC, Nuremberg Tribunal, IMT, Tokyo Tribunal, IMTFE, Rwanda Tribunal, ICTR, Gacaca, Yugoslav Tribunal, ICTY, War Crimes Prosecutions, Genocide, Atrocities


Social Entrepreneurship in the Age of Atrocities: Changing Our World

Posted: 21 Sep 2012 Last Revised: 25 Sep 2012
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law



Social Entrepreneurship, Social Enterprise, Atrocities, Genocide, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Human Rights, Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Conflict Resolution, Development, Peace-building, Growth, Africa, Rwanda, Scalability, Leadership, Management


After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond

AFTER GENOCIDE: TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE, POST-CONFLICT RECONSTRUCTION, AND RECONCILIATION IN RWANDA AND BEYOND, Phil Clark & Zachary D. Kaufman, eds., Columbia University Press and C. Hurst & Co., 2009 (Re-published by Oxford University Press, 2013)
Posted: 28 Aug 2011 Last Revised: 21 Feb 2014
Zachary D. Kaufman and Phil Clark
University of Florida Levin College of Law and University of Oxford - Centre for Socio-Legal Studies



Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Reconciliation, Conflict Resolution, Peace, Healing, Forgiveness, Truth, Revisionism, Memory, Rwanda, Darfur, DRC, Uganda, Africa, Kovoso, Genocide, Atrocities, Gacaca, ICTR, ICTY, ICC, International Law, International Criminal Law

Other Papers (12)

Total Downloads: 2,764

Islam is (Also) a Religion of Peace

Foreign Policy, 2016
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 05 Aug 2016 Last Revised: 30 Aug 2016
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 504



Islam, Muslims, Islamophobia, Judaism, Jews, Christianity, Christian, Quran, Koran, Donald Trump, Holocaust, Rwanda, Rwandan Genocide, Humayun Khan, Albert Einstein, Hero, Heroism, Rescue, Rescuer, Terrorism, Terrorist, September 11


What Makes People Save Lives? Learning from Upstanders and Bystanders

New York Daily News, 2020
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 28 Oct 2020
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 470



bystanders, upstanders, heroes, villains, Kitty Genovese, Sophia Farrar, Paul Rusesabagina, Rwanda, Syria, Genocide, Rwandan Genocide, Holocaust, Hotel Rwanda, White Helmets, save, rescue, protect, rape, murder, criminal law, Bad Samaritan laws, punishment, prevention, deterrence, incentives, metoo


When Sexual Abuse Is Common Knowledge - But Nobody Speaks Up

Boston Globe
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 06 Aug 2018 Last Revised: 24 Jun 2019
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 365



sexual violence, rape, sexual misconduct, sexual abuse, criminal law, criminal procedure, torts, tort law, Bad Samaritan laws, duty to report, state law, federal law, foreign law, comparative law, bystanders, upstanders, punishment, prevention, deterrence, incentives, mass incarceration, metoo


No Cover for Abusers; California Must Close Gap in its Duty-to-Report Law

San Francisco Chronicle (2019)
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 24 Jun 2019 Last Revised: 10 Aug 2020
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 309



sexual violence, rape, sexual misconduct, sexual abuse, criminal law, criminal procedure, Bad Samaritan laws, duty to report, state law, bystanders, upstanders, punishment, prevention, deterrence, incentives, metoo, California, Harvey Weinstein, Sherrice Iverson, Jason Strohmeyer, David Cash


Laws Needed to Encourage Assisting Those in Peril

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, 2021
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 03 Nov 2021
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 217



bystanders, upstanders, Fiston Ngoy, Catherine Genovese, Kitty Genovese, Winston Moseley, save, rescue, protect, aid, assist, rape, murder, Criminal Law, Bad Samaritan laws, duty to report, duty to rescue, Good Samaritan, punishment, prevention, deterrence, incentives


Term Limits at Home and Abroad

Harvard University - John F. Kennedy School of Government - Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, June 30, 2016
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 10 Aug 2016 Last Revised: 28 Aug 2016
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 175



Terms, Term Limits, U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives, Mayor, Governor, Vice President, President, Antonin Scalia, Barack Obama, Michael Bloomberg, Paul Kagame, George Washington, United States, Rwanda, Burundi, Australia, Canada, England, France, Germany


Transitions in Transitional Justice

Oxford University Press Blog, July 17, 2016
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 10 Aug 2016 Last Revised: 28 Aug 2016
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 166



Transitional Justice, International Justice, International Law, International Criminal Law, War Crimes Tribunals, International Criminal Court, ICC, UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, ICTR, Rwanda, Rwandan Genocide, Extraordinary African Chambers, Senegal, Chad, Nuremberg Tribunal


It'll Take More than Political Rhetoric to Stop Genocide

Forbes, May 10, 2016
Number of pages: 4 Posted: 08 Aug 2016 Last Revised: 28 Aug 2016
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 164



Transitional Justice, ISIS, ISIL, Daesh, Islamic State, Atrocity, Atrocities, Genocide, Crimes Against Humanity, Darfur, John Kerry, Colin Powell, Barack Obama, Bashar al-Assad, Democrat, Republican, White House, Atrocities Prevention Board, APB, Atrocity Prevention, United States, Syria


Addressing Japanese Atrocities

Oxford University Press Blog, April 11, 2016
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 10 Aug 2016 Last Revised: 28 Aug 2016
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 160



Transitional Justice, World War II, Cold War, Japan, United States, China, South Korea, Korea, Soviet Union, USSR, Human Experimentation, Biological Weapons, Shinzo Abe, Shiro Ishii, Josef Mengele, Sexual Slavery, Unit 731, War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity, Aggression, Auschwitz


'Biden Administration Wrong to Send Bill Clinton to Rwanda for Anniversary'

Miami Herald, 2024
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 26 Apr 2024
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 91



Genocide, Genocide Against the Tutsi, 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi, Mass Murder, Atrocity, Atrocities, Atrocity Crimes, Rwanda, Rwandans, Tutsi, Tutsis, Hutu, Hutus, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Joseph Biden, U.S. President, U.S. Foreign Policy


'Policing the Police: Congress and States Should Enact Duty to Intervene Laws'

Dallas Morning News, 2023
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 02 Mar 2023 Last Revised: 03 Mar 2023
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 74



Criminal law, Bad Samaritan laws, duty to aid, duty to report, duty to rescue, duty to intervene, Officer Duty to Intervene, bystanders, upstanders, state law, federal law, police, policing, police killing, police violence, police brutality, police reform, Tyre Nichols, George Floyd, Derek Chauvin


Officers Should Intervene as Matter of Law, Not Just Policy

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 2022
Number of pages: 3 Posted: 11 Jun 2022
Zachary D. Kaufman
University of Florida Levin College of Law
Downloads 69



criminal law, Bad Samaritan laws, duty to aid, duty to report, duty to rescue, duty to intervene, Officer Duty to Intervene, bystanders, upstanders, state law, federal law, police, policing, police killing, police violence, police brutality, police reform, George Floyd, Derek Chauvin