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University of California, Berkeley
in Total Papers Citations
Religion, Mobile Phones, Big Data, Climate, Economic Shocks
Risk Sharing, Mobile Phones, Mobile Money, Information and communications technologies, Development, Earthquakes, Rwanda, Africa
machine learning, big data, targeting, social assistance
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Machine Learning, mobile phone data, poverty, targeting
Digital credit, digital loan, Subjective well-being, mobile money, Nigeria
Cash Transfer Program, Poverty, Mental Health, Randomized Control Trial, Machine Learning, Cross Sectional Analysis
mobile money, state-building, corruption
Behavioral Models, Defaults savings, Digital Finance, Mobile Money, peer effects
This is a National Bureau of Economic Research Paper. NBER charges a fee of $5.00 for this paper.
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agriculture, mobile phones, Search costs, Small and medium enterprises, Tanzania, telephone directories
Heterogeneous Treatment Effects, targeting, Welfare
Big Data, Development, migration, networks, social capital, Social Networks