3 Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12223-1350
United States
New York State Department of Public Service
in Total Papers Downloads
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, climate change litigation, international climate change law, climate change mitigation, climate change adaptation, UNEP report
Law, electricity, transmission, grid, high-voltage, climate change, renewables, siting, land use
Green Infrastructure, Low Impact Development, Green Roof, Combined Sewer, Urban Heat Island, Water Quality, Energy Efficiency, New York City, Stormwater Utility, Stormwater Fee
greenhouse gas, ghg, carbon tax, clean power plan, federalism, climate change
microgrid, climate change, public health, critical infrastructure, electricity, utility, reliability
FERC, Order No. 745, Demand response
climate change, social cost of carbon, greenhouse gas emissions, marginal abatement cost
climate engineering, geoengineering, solar radiation management, carbon dioxide removal, climate change, climate emergency, ocean iron fertilization
Distributed energy resources, wind, solar, storage, CAISO, FERC
FERC, ISO, RTO, resilience, bulk power system, electric grid, generation, transmission, climate change
climate change, climate change resilience, federal disaster recovery law and policy
climate change mitigation law and policy, climate change
Climate change, public health, adaptation, retreat, urban heat island, zoning, building codes, green infrastructure, liability, local government
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law, carbon pricing, energy law
Climate change, public health, co-benefit, ozone, nitrogen, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, mitigation
Clean Air Act, climate change, EPA, acid rain, greenhouse gas emissions