Centralbahnplatz 2
Basel, Basel-Stadt 4002
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
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financial inclusion; optimal monetary policy; limited asset market participation
Asian economies, international monetary transmission, long term interest rates, monetary policy, risk premium
Emerging market central banks, inflation expectations, surveys
foreign exchange intervention, exchange rates, speculation
early warning indicators; credit gaps; HP filter
financial crisis, principal components
Inflation expectations, decay function, inflation targeting
central bank balance sheets, reserves accumulation, sterilization
fiscal policy, monetary policy, Taylor rule
foreign exchange reserves, risk-taking, implied volatility, credit default swaps
Price level targeting, inflation targeting, credibility, free lunch, discretion
business cycles, stall speed, Markov switching
Liquidity management, bank loan supply
G-SIBs, contagion, connectedness, bank capital, cross validation
globalisation, foreign exchange intervention, exchange rate pass through
business cycle co-movement, decoupling
foreign exchange reserves; risk-taking; implied volatility; credit default swaps
consensus forecasts, inflation expectations anchoring
Business cycles, stall speed, Markov switching
International Risk Sharing, Backus-Smith Puzzle
Speed limit policy, Price level target, Inflation target, Discretion, Credibility
Inflation expectations, Central banks and their policies, South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, decay function, inflation anchoring, inflation targeting
State Dependent Pricing, Asymmetry
Inflation expectations, decay function, inflation targeting, deflation
inflation expectations, inflation anchoring, decay function, inflation targeting
Price Level Targeting, Inflation Targeting, Speed Limit Policy, Uncertainty, Potential Output
Benchmark bond, price discovery, market liquidity, informational public good, recycling, de jure, de facto, wannabe benchmark, seasoned, selection bias, probit model, inverse Mills ratio, on the run, recycled.
globalisation, foreign exchange intervention, exchange rate pass-through
benchmark bond, price discovery, market liquidity, informational public good, recycling, de jure, de facto, wannabe benchmark, probit model, inverse Mills ratio
benchmark bond, price discovery, liquidity, principal component analysis, re-openings, informational public good
fixed-event forecasts, fixed-horizon forecasts, inflation expectations
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Sticky prices, predetermined prices, money shocks