Charlotte Villiers

University of Bristol

University of Bristol,

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Corporate Governance for Sustainability

Number of pages: 6 Posted: 07 Jan 2020 Last Revised: 30 Jun 2020
Warwick Law School, Nyenrode Business university, University of Oxford - Said Business School, University of Cambridge - Centre for Business Research (CBR), University of Michigan, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), Columbia University School of Law, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris - Centre de Gestion Scientifique (CGS), Indiana University Maurer School of Law, Washington and Lee University - School of Law, University of Bristol, University of Oslo - Faculty of Law, University of Georgia School of Law, University of York - York Law School, City University London - The Business SchoolCardiff Business School, University of Bristol, University of British Columbia (UBC), Faculty of Law, Ecole Universitaire de Management Clermont-Ferrand, University of Essex, University of San Francisco - School of Business and Management, University of New South Wales (UNSW) - UNSW Law & Justice, Drucker Institute, Essex Business School, Frank Bold, Morgan State University, Durham Business School, Liverpool Hope University, The University of Manchester - School of Law, De Montfort University - Faculty of Business and Law, Wellesley College - Department of Economics, University of Birmingham, Linnaeus University, Edge Hill University, Queen Mary University of London - School of Law, University of California, Davis - School of Law, Queen's University Belfast - School of Law, affiliation not provided to SSRN, University of South Australia, University of Leicester - Management Centre, University of York, HEC Paris, University of Glasgow, University College London - Faculty of Laws, School of Law, King's College, London; Centre for Business Research, University of Cambridge, Royal Holloway, University of London, The City Law School, University of Sheffield, University College London - Faculty of Laws, Nyenrode Business University, University of Oregon - Department of Management, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, University of Westminster, Universidad Andres Bello, University of Colorado at Boulder, University of Alberta - Department of Accounting, Operations & Information Systems, Queen’s University, School of Business and Economics, Linnaeus University, University of Auckland Business School, Zefat Academic College, School of Law, Queens University Belfast, University of Dundee - Department of Accountancy & Business Finance, affiliation not provided to SSRN, Oxford Brookes Business School, University of Leicester, Hofstra University College of Law, The Open University - Department of Political Economics, University of Leeds - School of Law, University of Massachusetts, University of Sheffield, School of Law, ICCE, Goldsmiths, University of London, University of Glasgow and College of Business, United Arab Emirates University
Downloads 4,787 (4,101)
Citation 4



corporate governance, company law, director duties, board obligations, sustainable finance action plan, sustainability strategy, ESG, shareholder primacy, sustainable development, climate change


The Modern Corporation Statement on Company Law

Number of pages: 4 Posted: 29 Oct 2016
Cornell Law School - Jack G. Clarke Business Law Institute (deceased), SciencesPo, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge - Centre for Business Research (CBR), Boston College Law School, Warwick Law School, University of Kent - Kent Law School, Vanderbilt University - Law School, University of York - York Law School, Queen Mary University of London - School of Law, Queen Mary, University of London, (CCLS), Washington and Lee University - School of Law, University of Oslo - Faculty of Law, University of Bristol, Indiana University Maurer School of Law, University of Essex - School of Law, University of York (UK), University of Michigan, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Manchester - School of Law, The Business School, University of Colorado Denver, University of Leeds - School of Law, University College London - Faculty of Laws, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia - Deakin Law School, University of Waikato - Management School, The University of Hong Kong - School of Business, University of Leeds, University of Georgia School of Law, University of California, Davis - School of Law, Hofstra University College of Law, University of Technology, Sydney, Washington and Lee University - School of Law, University of Brescia, Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, University of British Columbia (UBC), Faculty of Law, University of Victoria - Faculty of Law, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, Seyfarth Shaw LLP, Audencia School of Management, University of California, Berkeley - School of Law, INSEAD, Alvares Penteado School of Business (Fecap), Independent, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) - Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF)Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) - Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Université Grenoble Alpes, São Paulo Law School of Fundação Getulio Vargas FGV DIREITO SP, University of Glasgow, Griffith University Law School, Hofstra University - Maurice A. Deane School of Law, University of South Australia, University of Greenwich - School of Law, Queen's University Belfast - School of Law, Independent, City University London - The Business SchoolCardiff Business School, Nyenrode Business university and UN Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression
Downloads 3,100 (8,334)
Citation 7



Company, Law, Corporate, Governance


Sustainable Companies: Barriers and Possibilities in UK Company Law

International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal, Volume 11, 2015, Issue 1, University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2010-03
Number of pages: 71 Posted: 23 Nov 2010 Last Revised: 15 Aug 2016
Charlotte Villiers
University of Bristol
Downloads 1,207 (35,845)
Citation 1



sustainability, UK company law, enlightened shareholder value


Why ‘Less is More’ in non-Financial Reporting Initiatives: Concrete Steps Towards Supporting Sustainability

Forthcoming issue of Accounting Economics and Law journal., University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2020-15
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 11 Jun 2020
Georgina Tsagas and Charlotte Villiers
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators UK and University of Bristol
Downloads 516 (111,943)
Citation 1



reporting; non-financial; sustainability; accounting; European Non-Financial Reporting Directive; integrated reporting


Integrated Reporting for Sustainable Companies: What to Encourage and What to Avoid

European Company Law, Volume 11 (2014) / Issue 2, University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2014-25
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 27 Jul 2014
Charlotte Villiers
University of Bristol
Downloads 477 (122,745)




Women on Boards: Report from the UK

European Company Law, Vol. 8, No. 2-3, pp 94-99, 2011, University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2011-09
Number of pages: 10 Posted: 05 Mar 2011 Last Revised: 10 Aug 2011
Charlotte Villiers
University of Bristol
Downloads 401 (150,619)



company law, gender equality, boards, UK law


Mapping Paper: Sustainable Companies UK Report

University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2013-16
Number of pages: 56 Posted: 18 Jun 2013
Charlotte Villiers
University of Bristol
Downloads 211 (292,840)




Accounting, Auditing and Reporting: Supporting or Obstructing the Sustainable Companies Objective?

Company Law and Sustainability: Legal Barriers and Opportunities, Beate Sjåfjell and Benjamin J. Richardson (eds), Cambridge University Press, 2015, University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2015-36
Number of pages: 52 Posted: 25 Sep 2015 Last Revised: 20 Jul 2020
Charlotte Villiers and Jukka Mähönen
University of Bristol and University of Oslo - Faculty of Law
Downloads 204 (302,262)
Citation 7




Stimulating Value Creation in a Europe in Crisis

Chapter 1 in B. Sjåfjell, G. Tsagas and C. Villiers (eds), Sustainable Value Creation in the EU: Towards Pathways to a Sustainable Future through Crises (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2022), University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2022-01, Nordic & European Company Law Working Paper No. 22-09
Number of pages: 21 Posted: 10 Jan 2022 Last Revised: 08 Dec 2022
Charlotte Villiers, Beate Sjåfjell and Georgina Tsagas
University of Bristol, University of Oslo - Faculty of Law and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators UK
Downloads 143 (411,709)
Citation 1



Sustainable value creation, European Union, Greece, debt crisis, financial crisis, Brexit, Covid-19 pandemic, sustainability


Sustainability and Implementation of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive in the United Kingdom, Germany and Spain – End of the Beginning?

Chapter 6 in Beate Sjåfjell, Carol Liao and Aikaterini Argyrou (eds), Innovating Business for Sustainability: Regulatory Approaches in the Anthropocene (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2022). , University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2022-17
Posted: 14 Jan 2022 Last Revised: 23 Sep 2022
Isabel Άlvarez Vega and Charlotte Villiers
affiliation not provided to SSRN and University of Bristol



Non-Financial Reporting Directive, EU Green Deal Recovery Plan, EU company law harmonization, comparative law, capitalisms, sustainability


Pathways Towards Sustainable Value Creation in the EU

Chapter 12 in B. Sjåfjell, G. Tsagas and C. Villiers (eds), Sustainable Value Creation in the EU: Towards Pathways to a Sustainable Future through Crises (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2022), University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2022-12
Posted: 11 Jan 2022
Charlotte Villiers, Beate Sjåfjell and Georgina Tsagas
University of Bristol, University of Oslo - Faculty of Law and Chartered Institute of Arbitrators UK



Corporate purpose, sustainability, sustainable value creation, European Union, challenges, social enterprise, innovation, female participation, policy coherence


The Role of Women in Stimulating New Types of Value

Chapter 11 in B. Sjåfjell, G. Tsagas and C. Villiers (eds), Sustainable Value Creation in the EU: Towards Pathways to a Sustainable Future through Crises (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2022), University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2022-11
Posted: 11 Jan 2022
Charlotte Villiers and Roseanne Russell
University of Bristol and University of Bristol



Women, boardroom diversity, Greece, entrepreneurialism


Global Supply Chains and Sustainability: The Role of Disclosure and Due Diligence Regulation

In Beate Sjåfjell and Christopher M. Bruner (eds), Cambridge Handbook of Corporate Law, Corporate Governance and Sustainability (Cambridge University Press, 2019), Chapter 39. , University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2019-43
Posted: 15 May 2019 Last Revised: 15 Jun 2020
Charlotte Villiers
University of Bristol



OECD Guidelines for MNEs, UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights, Stakeholder Collaboration


Article 11: Integrated Reporting or Non-Financial Reporting?

The Greening of European Business under EU Law: Taking Article 11 TFEU Seriously, Beate Sjåfjell and Anja Wiesbrock (eds), Routledge, (2015) , University of Oslo Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2014-42
Posted: 10 Dec 2014 Last Revised: 16 Dec 2014
Charlotte Villiers and Jukka Mähönen
University of Bristol and University of Oslo - Faculty of Law

