De Boelelaan 1105
Amsterdam, 1081HV
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
in Total Papers Downloads
Decision making under risk, Expected utility theory, Prospect theory
natural experiment, game show, prisoner’s dilemma, cooperation, cooperative behavior, social behavior, social preferences, reciprocity, reciprocal behavior, context effects, anchoring
poker, online poker, no limit texas hold’em, online gambling, skill, chance, game of skill, game of chance, performance persistence, predominance test
lotteries, gambling, number preference, color preference, implicit egotism, availability, position effect, law of small numbers, representativeness, gambler’s fallacy, hot-hand fallacy
backward induction, limited foresight, omission bias, quantal response equilibrium, subgame perfect Nash equilibrium
behavioral finance, special issue, diversification heuristic, 1/n rule
deception, lying aversion, game show, prisoner’s dilemma, communication, cooperation, cheap talk
bargaining, negotiation, game show, natural experiment, equity theory, moral property rights, entitlements, fairness, concessions, first-mover advantage
fluency; investor recognition; company names; stock returns
law of one price, market efficiency, mispricing, limits to arbitrage, short-sale constraints
gender gap, gender differences, competitiveness, willingness to compete
competition, sports, motivation, performance, regression discontinuity
random incentive system, incentives, experimental measurement, risky choice, risk aversion, dynamic choice, tremble, within-subjects design, between-subjects design
incentives, performance pressure, choking under pressure, darts
decision making under risk, risky choice, risk preferences, risk aversion, ambiguity aversion, limelight, accountability, public scrutiny, experience, game show, natural experiment, laboratory experiment, expected utility theory, prospect theory
house money effect, break even effect, neuroeconomics, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), brain imaging, risky choice
fair value, intrinsic value, stock option, implied volatility, option pricing, takeover
initial public offering, survey, going public, IPO process, IPO success, valuation, lead manager, syndicate, pre-marketing, book building
wisdom of crowds, wisdom of the inner crowd, collective intelligence, forecasting
experimental economics, natural experiment, game show, prisoner’s dilemma, cooperation, cooperative behavior, social behavior, social preferences, reciprocity, reciprocal behavior, context effects, anchoring
wisdom of crowds, response time, crowdsourcing
eye gaze, eye fixation, competition, competitive behavior
giving, impact, utilitarianism, equity, desert, responsibility, personal control, causal thinking, attribution theory, Dirichlet-multinomial model
Initial Public Offering, Survey, Going Public, IPO Process, Valuation, Pre-Marketing, Book Building