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University of Oxford - Department of Economics
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Monetary policy transmission, multi-step forecasting, growth, structural breaks
Inflation targeting, monetary policy, South Africa
Inflation dynamics, modelling inflation, trade openness
National balance sheets, personal sector wealth, saving
defaults, foreclosures, mortgage arrears, mortgage payment delinquencies, mortgage possessions, UK mortgage market, unobserved components model
consumption, credit conditions, housing collateral and housing wealth
consumer prices, CPI, exchange rate pass-through, exchange rate volatility, food prices, goods prices, monetary policy, services prices
inflation dynamics, modelling producer prices, trade openness
CPI Sub-Components, Disaggregation, Error Correction Models, Evaluating Forecasts, Model Selection, Multivariate Time Series, Sectoral Inflation
forecasting inflation, homeowner costs in the CPI, PPI inflation, South Africa
consumption, credit conditions, credit market liberalisation, household debt, housing collateral, housing wealth, liquid and illiquid wealth
Error Correction Models, Evaluating Forecasts, Model Selection, Multivariate Time Series
asymmetic pass-through, exchange rate pass-through, exchange rate volatility, falling pass-through, import prices, monetary policy, South Africa, trade openness