United Kingdom
Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)
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Foreign Exchange Reserves, Network Externalities, Path Dependency, Money Markets
Financial crises, lending of last resort, history of monetary policy, shadow banking system, banking supervision
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Bagehot, Central Banking, Lending of Last Resort, Shadow Banking System
Glass-Steagall Act, conflicts of interest, interwar debt crisis, reputation
Gmass-Steagall Act, conflicts of interest, debt crises, reputation
conflicts of interest, debt crises, reputation
sovereign credit ratings, Great Depression, financial crisis, international bond markets
Lender of last resort, financial crises, bank runs, central banks
bank runs, central banks, economic history, Financial crises, lender of last resort
Lending of last resort, Bagehot, Bank of England, financial crises, history of monetary policy
Bagehot, Bank of England, Lending of last resort, Supervision, Moral hazard, Discount, Overend Gurney Panic, Baring
intermediaries, reputation and signalling, sovereign debt, intitial public offerings
bondholder committees, conditionality, debt crises, prestige, relationship banking
Collateral, Information, Sovereign debt, Informal enforcement, Financial innovation, Contract innovation.
financial press, IPO, libel law, reputation
Sovereign debt, pari passu clauses, London stock exchange laws, history of sovereign bankruptcy.
Government bonds, British Empire, liquidity, credit risk, colonial finance
banks competition, certification, primary bond market, sovereign debt crises
Target zones, ERM, Asymmetry
great depression, Rating agencies regulatory licence, sovereign debt
history, international currency, international monetary system, network analysis
international monetary system, networks, agglomeration, multilateralism
control premium, corruption, France, governance, Interwar, Media, minority shareholders
Collateral, financial innovation, Information, Legal Engineering, Property rights, Sovereign debt, state capacity