William P. Fisher

University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center

Research Associate

Berkeley, CA 94704

United States








“  Currently I am working through a new ways of responding to the challenge posed by Star and Ruhleder (1996, p. 118) , who say that, "If we, in large-scale information systems implementation, design messaging systems blind to the discontinuous nature of the different levels of context, we end up with organizations which are split and confused, systems which are unused or circumvented, and a set of circumstances of our own creation which more deeply impress disparities on the organizational landscape." It seems to me that there are untried and potentially quite productive approaches to incorporating the discontinuities across levels of context in our information infrastructures and messaging systems. Watch this space for further developments... Star, S. L., & Ruhleder, K. (1996, March). Steps toward an ecology of infrastructure: Design and access for large information spaces. Information Systems Research, 7(1), 111-134.  ”

Scholarly Papers (43)


Rasch, Frisch, and Two Fishers: A Social History of the Econometric Origins of Some Widely Used Psychometric Models

Number of pages: 39 Posted: 29 Oct 2010 Last Revised: 08 Feb 2011
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 190 (326,772)



econometric models, history, biography, parameter separation, minimally sufficient statistics, structural invariance, Rasch models, Ragnar Frisch, Tjalling Koopmans, Ronald Fisher, Irving Fisher, Georg Rasch, University of Chicago, Cowles Commission


Distinguishing between Consistency and Error in Reliability Coefficients: Improving the Estimation and Interpretation of Information on Measurement Precision

Number of pages: 59 Posted: 01 Oct 2010
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 176 (350,167)



reliability, unidimensionality, consistency, error, statistics, measurement, individual behavior models, parameter, Rasch models separation; model fit; survey research; rating scales;


Meaningfulness, Measurement, Value Seeking and the Corporate Objective Function: An Introduction to New Possibilities

Number of pages: 18 Posted: 23 Nov 2010 Last Revised: 15 Jan 2011
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 154 (392,748)
Citation 1



Measurement, Externalities, Capital, Intangibles, Value Maximization, Stakeholder Theory, Balanced Scorecard, Multiple Objectives, Social Welfare, Social Responsibility, Corporate Objective Function, Corporate Purpose, Tradeoffs, Corporate Governance


A Technology Roadmap for Intangible Assets Metrology

Fundamentals of Measurement Science: International Measurement Confederation (IMEKO) TC1-TC7-TC13 Joint Symposium
Number of pages: 11 Posted: 12 Sep 2011 Last Revised: 14 Jan 2012
William P. Fisher and A. Jackson Stenner
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center and MetaMetrics, Inc.
Downloads 127 (457,882)
Citation 1



markets, institutions, rules, technology, technoscience, sociotechnical networks, actor network theory (ANT), measurement, mediating instruments, Rasch models, instrument calibration, technology roadmaps, education, health care, coordination studies, standards, metrology, history, Moore's Law


What the World Needs Now: A Bold Plan for New Standards

Standards Engineering, 64(3), 1 & 3-5, May/June 2012
Number of pages: 5 Posted: 16 Jun 2012 Last Revised: 21 Jun 2012
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 113 (500,635)



standards, intangible assets, measurement, metrology, human capital, social capital, natural capital


Building a Productive Trading Zone in Educational Assessment Research and Practice

Pensamiento Educativo: Revista de Investigacion Educacional Latinoamericana, 52(2), 55-78, 2015
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 10 Nov 2015
William P. Fisher and Mark Wilson
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center and University of California, Berkeley - Graduate School of Education
Downloads 95 (565,171)




Measurement, Reduced Transaction Costs, and the Ethics of Efficient Markets for Human, Social, and Natural Capital

Number of pages: 36 Posted: 16 Oct 2013 Last Revised: 18 Oct 2013
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 79 (630,959)
Citation 1



measurement, Rasch models, transaction costs, efficient markets, ethics, intangible assets, capital


A Predictive Theory for the Calibration of Physical Functioning Patient Survey Items

Number of pages: 21 Posted: 16 Jun 2012
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 62 (715,523)
Citation 1



theory development, explanatory models, measurement, instrument calibration, health care, physical functioning, functional assessment, physical therapy, activities of daily living, standards, mathematical models


Measurement, Metrology, and the Coordination of Sociotechnical Networks

Number of pages: 9 Posted: 12 Sep 2011
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 58 (738,496)



complex adaptive systems, self-organization, market creation, Rasch models, measurement, markets, information quality, metrology, standards, surveys, tests, assessments, coordination studies, psychometrics, traceability


Metrology, Psychometrics, and New Horizons for Innovation

18th International Congress of Metrology, Article No. 09007, DOI/10.1051/metrology/201709007, 2017
Number of pages: 8 Posted: 14 Nov 2017
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 56 (750,663)



Metrology, Measurement, Rasch Models, Psychometrics, IMEKO, Unit Standards, Traceability


NIST Critical National Need Idea White Paper: Metrological Infrastructure for Human, Social, and Natural Capital

Number of pages: 11 Posted: 28 Oct 2010
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 55 (756,978)
Citation 1



measurement, metrology, standards, cognitive markets, intangible assets


Causal Rasch Models

Frontiers in Psychology: Quantitative Psychology and Measurement, 4(536), 1-14 [doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00536].
Number of pages: 14 Posted: 20 Oct 2013
MetaMetrics, Inc., University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center, Aurora University - Department of Psychology and MetaMetrics, Inc.
Downloads 54 (763,386)



Rasch models, causality, prediction, measurement, reading theory, quantification, educational assessment


Overcoming the Invisibility of Metrology: A Reading Measurement Network for Education and the Social Sciences

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 459(012024), DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/459/1/012024
Number of pages: 7 Posted: 16 Oct 2013 Last Revised: 18 Oct 2013
William P. Fisher and A. Jackson Stenner
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center and MetaMetrics, Inc.
Downloads 50 (789,713)



measurement, Rasch models, metrology, standard units, reading research, education, construct theory


Metaphor as Measurement and Vice Versa: Convergence and Separation of Figure and Meaning in a Mawri Proverb

Number of pages: 45 Posted: 26 Jan 2011 Last Revised: 06 Oct 2011
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 50 (789,713)



Metaphor, Measurement, Niger, Mawri, Science, Philosophy, Method, Ontology, Quantification, Qualitative Methods, Mixed Methods, Meaningfulness, Language, Mathematical Thinking, Instrument Calibration, Postmodernism


Theory-Based Metrological Traceability in Education: A Reading Measurement Network

Fisher, W. P., Jr., & Stenner, A. J. (2016). Theory-based metrological traceability in education: A reading measurement network. Measurement, 92, 489-496.
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 06 Jul 2016
William P. Fisher and A. Jackson Stenner
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center and MetaMetrics, Inc.
Downloads 39 (873,461)



measurement, Rasch models, metrology, education, psychometrics, traceability, reading ability, education, predictive theory, unit standards, test equating, traceability


Towards an Alignment of Engineering and Psychometric Approaches to Uncertainty in Measurement: Consequences for the Future

18th International Congress of Metrology, 12004, 1-9. DOI: 10.1051/metrology/201712004
Number of pages: 9 Posted: 14 Nov 2017
William P. Fisher and A. Jackson Stenner
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center and MetaMetrics, Inc.
Downloads 35 (908,695)



Uncertainty, Error, Confidence Intervals, Measurement, Metrology, Psychometrics, Model-based Reasoning, Complex Adaptive Systems, Self-organization


A Practical Approach to Modeling Complex Adaptive Flows in Psychology and Social Science

Procedia Computer Science, 114, 165-174.
Number of pages: 10 Posted: 14 Nov 2017
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 32 (936,405)



complex adaptive systems, Rasch models, stochastic structures, invariance, mathematical models, self-organization, nonequilibrium dynamics


The Role of Metrology in Mediating and Mobilizing the Language and Culture of Scientific Facts

Journal of Physics Conference Series, 588, 10.1088/1742-6596/588/1/012043
Number of pages: 7 Posted: 08 Jun 2015
William P. Fisher and A. Jackson Stenner
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center and MetaMetrics, Inc.
Downloads 30 (956,100)




Metrological Traceability in the Social Sciences: A Model from Reading Measurement

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 459 (012025), DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/459/1/012025.
Number of pages: 7 Posted: 16 Oct 2013 Last Revised: 21 Oct 2013
A. Jackson Stenner and William P. Fisher
MetaMetrics, Inc. and University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 28 (976,388)



education, reading measurement, construct theory, metrology, traceability, standard units, formative assessment


From Concrete to Abstract in the Measurement of Length

Journal of Physics Conference Series, 459, 2013, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/459/1/012026.
Number of pages: 7 Posted: 16 Oct 2013 Last Revised: 21 Oct 2013
Andreas Stephanou and William P. Fisher
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 24 (1,019,562)



measurement, Rasch models, length, metrology, standard units, traceability, concatenation


Quantifying Human Response: Linking Metrological and Psychometric Characterisations of Man as a Measurement Instrument

Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 459, 2013
Number of pages: 7 Posted: 16 Oct 2013 Last Revised: 18 Oct 2013
Leslie Pendrill and William P. Fisher
SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 22 (1,042,435)



measurement, metrology, psychometrics, Rasch models, counting, perception, Weber's law, traceability


Contrasting roles of measurement knowledge systems in confounding or creating sustainable change

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2022). Contrasting roles of measurement knowledge systems in confounding or creating sustainable change. Acta IMEKO, 11(4), 1-7. https://acta.imeko.org/index.php/acta-imeko/article/view/1330
Number of pages: 6 Posted: 29 Dec 2023
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center
Downloads 11 (1,178,670)



measurement, management, Rasch models, sustainable change


A Nondualist Social Ethic: Fusing Subject and Object Horizons in Measurement

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2019). A nondualist social ethic: Fusing subject and object horizons in measurement. TMQ--Techniques, Methodologies, and Quality, 10(Special Issue on Health Metrology), 21-40. https://portal2.ipt.pt/media/manager.php?src=servico&cmd=file&target=m1_MTc2NDQ#page=21
Posted: 16 Feb 2024
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



complexity, information infrastructures, measurement, nondualist philosophy


How "deterministic chaos" defines natural laws applicable to both nature and culture

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2024). How "deterministic chaos" defines natural laws applicable to both nature and culture. In N. Durakbasa & M. G. Gençyilmaz (Eds.), Industrial Engineering in the Industry 4.0 Era: Selected papers from ISPR2023.. Springer.
Posted: 19 Jan 2024
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



Prigogine; self-organization; structural invariance; deterministic chaos; complexity; complex adaptive systems; Piaget; entropy; measurement;


How sociofoil technologies can give you a lift in the linguistic vehicle of thought

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2023). How sociofoil technologies can give you a lift in the linguistic vehicle of thought. In N. Durakbasa & M. G. Gençyilmaz (Eds.), Towards Industry 5.0: Selected papers from ISPR2022 (pp. xix-xliii). Springer Nature. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-24457-5
Posted: 18 Jan 2024
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



measurement; Rasch; production research; metrology; science; foils; hydrodynamics; aerodynamics; sociodynamics; hydrofoils; aerofoils; sociofoils; wings; lift; thrust; drag; weight; natural laws; system dynamics; Newton's Third Law; Bernoulli Principle; Coanda Effect; Newton's Second Law; physics; l


Aiming higher in conceptualizing manageable measures in production research

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2022). Aiming higher in conceptualizing manageable measures in production research. In N. Durakbasa & M. G. Gençyilmaz (Eds.), Digitizing production systems: Selected papers from ISPR2021 (pp. xix-xxxix). Springer. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm%3A978-3-030-90421-0%2F1
Posted: 18 Jan 2024
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



production research; proceedings; engineering; metrology; markets; measurement; transaction costs; property rights; efficient markets; Rasch; institutional economics; capital; human capital; intangible assets; social capital; natural capital;


Wright, Benjamin D.

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2020). Wright, Benjamin D. In P. Atkinson, S. Delamont, A. Cernat, J. W. Sakshaug & R. Williams (Eds.), SAGE Research Methods Foundations. Sage Publications. https://methods.sagepub.com/foundations/wright-benjamin-d
Posted: 18 Jan 2024
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



biographies; University of Chicago; Rasch models; history; measurement; metrology; standards; scaling methods; econometrics; psychometrics; psychology; qualitative methods; quantitative methods;


Measurement systems, brilliant results, and brilliant processes in healthcare: Untapped potentials of person-centered outcome metrology for cultivating trust

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2023). Measurement systems, brilliant results, and brilliant processes... In W. P. Fisher, Jr. & S. Cano (Eds.), Person-centered outcome metrology (pp. 357-396). Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-07465-3
Posted: 04 Jan 2024
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



measurement; metrology; lean thinking; person-centered care; outcome management; health care; management systems; human resources; human capital;


Foreword: Koans, semiotics, and metrology in Stenner’s approach to measurement-informed science and commerce

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2023). Foreword. In W. P. Fisher, Jr. & P. J. Massengill (Eds.), Explanatory models, unit standards, and personalized learning: Selected papers by A. Jackson Stenner (pp. ix-lxx). Springer. https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/bfm:978-981-19-3747-7/1?pdf=chapter%20toc
Posted: 04 Jan 2024
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



measurement theory, education, reading comprehension, Rasch models, biography, history, commercial applications


Comments on Counting, Measuring, and Metrology in Hand's Measurement: A Very Short Introduction

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2017). Comments on counting, measuring, and metrology in Hand’s Measurement: A Very Short Introduction. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives, 15(1), 27-30. DOI: 10.1080/15366367.2017.1345204
Posted: 05 Jul 2023
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



measurement, metrology, counting, history, numbers, quantitative methods


Metrology for Climate-Neutral Cities RISE Report 2021:84

Fisher, W. P., Jr., Melin, J., & Möller, C. (2021). Metrology for climate-neutral cities (RISE Report 2021:84). Gothenburg, Sweden:. Research Institutes of Sweden. http://ri.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1616048&dswid=-7140 (79 pp.)
Posted: 06 Dec 2021
William P. Fisher, Jeanette Melin and Charlotta Möller
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center, Research Institute of Sweden and Viable Cities



climate, Sustainable Development Goals, Carbon Disclosure Project, VINNOVA, climate preparedness, probabilistic models, Rasch, measurement, metrology, Sweden, climate change, climate action, climate neutral, climate positive, sustainability, accountability, SDG, United Nations, Paris Agreement, Agen


Contextualizing Sustainable Development Metric Standards: Imagining New Entrepreneurial Possibilities

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2020). Contextualizing sustainable development metric standards: Imagining new entrepreneurial possibilities. Sustainability, 12(9661), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12229661
Posted: 01 Oct 2021
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



developmental theory, hierarchical complexity, modeling, measurement, imagination, sustainable economies


Measuring Genuine Progress: An Example from the UN Millennium Development Goals Project

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2019). Measuring genuine progress: An example from the UN Millennium Development Goals project. Journal of Applied Measurement, 21(1), 110-133.
Posted: 01 Oct 2021
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



GDP, GNP, Economic Indexes, Genuine Progress Indicator, Happiness Index, Measurement, United Nations, Millennium Development Goals, Rasch, Scaling Methods, Calibration, Development, Research Methods


Separation Theorems in Econometrics and Psychometrics: Rasch, Frisch, two Fishers, and Implications for Measurement

Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, OnlineFirst, pp. 1-32; DOI: 10.1177/02601079211033475
Posted: 31 Aug 2021
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



Econometric models, parameter separation, identified models, minimally sufficient statistics, psychometrics


Bateson and Wright on number and quantity: How to not separate thinking from its relational context

Symmetry, 13, 1415. https://doi.org/10.3390/sym13081415
Posted: 31 Aug 2021
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



epistemology, logical types, number, quantity, measurement, metrology, networks, stochastic pattern recognition


Rethinking the role of educational assessment in classroom communities: How can design thinking address the problems of coherence and complexity?

Educational Design Research, 5(1), 1-33. dx.doi.org/10.15460/eder.5.1.1537
Posted: 31 Aug 2021
William P. Fisher, Emily Pey-Tee Oon and Spencer Benson
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center, University of Macau and affiliation not provided to SSRN



Design Thinking, Information systems, Complex adaptive systems, Computer supported cooperative work, Formative feedback, Metrology


Adaptive Measurement and Assessment

Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, Vol. 3, Issue 1, pp. 469-490, 2016
Posted: 25 Mar 2016
Matt Barney and William P. Fisher
LeaderAmp and University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center




Counting and Quantification: Comparing Psychometric and Metrological Perspectives on Visual Perceptions of Number

Measurement, 71, 46-55.
Posted: 08 Jun 2015
Leslie Pendrill and William P. Fisher
SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden and University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center




On the Potential for Improved Measurement in the Human and Social Sciences

In Q. Zhang & H. Yang (Eds.), Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium 2012 Jiaxing University Conference Proceedings (pp. 1-11). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2013
Posted: 16 Oct 2013
William P. Fisher and A. Jackson Stenner
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center and MetaMetrics, Inc.



geometry, natural law, history of science, measurement, Rasch models


Imagining Education Tailored to Assessment as, for, and of Learning: Theory, Standards, and Quality Improvement

Assessment and Learning, 2, 2013, Forthcoming
Posted: 16 Oct 2013
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



education, assessment, measurement, formative assessment, quality improvement, construct theory, prediction, instrument calibration, metrology, standardized units, traceability



GDP, GNP, Economic Indexes, Genuine Progress Indicator, Happiness Index, Measurement, United Nations, Millennium Development Goals, Rasch, Scaling Methods, Calibration, Development, Research Methods


Invariance and Traceability for Measures of Human, Social, and Natural Capital: Theory and Application

Measurement (Elsevier), Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 1278-1287, November 2009
Posted: 28 Oct 2010
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



measurement, metrology, Rasch, psychometrics, capital, traceability, invariance


Bringing Human, Social, and Natural Capital to Life: Practical Consequences and Opportunities

Fisher, W. P., Jr. (2011). Bringing human, social, and natural capital to life: Practical consequences and opportunities. Journal of Applied Measurement, 12(1), 49-66., Reprinted in Advances in Rasch Measurement, Vol. 2, (pp. 1-27), M. Wilson, K. Draney, N. Brown, B. Duckor, eds., Maple Grove, MN: JAM Press, 2011.
Posted: 28 Oct 2010 Last Revised: 15 Nov 2013
William P. Fisher
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center



Capital measurement, invariance, common metrics, reference standards, traceability, metrology, Rasch models, economic models, quantification, meaningfulness, collective cognition, markets

Other Papers (2)

Total Downloads: 0

Metrology for the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences

National Sciences Foundation Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences White Paper, 2011
Posted: 29 Jan 2011 Last Revised: 08 Feb 2011
William P. Fisher and A. Jackson Stenner
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center and MetaMetrics, Inc.



Metrology, Uniform Metrics, Reference Standards, Measurement, Science, Economics, Capital, Traceability


Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Research Approaches Via the Phenomenological Method

International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 85-99
Posted: 04 Nov 2010 Last Revised: 08 Feb 2011
William P. Fisher and A. Jackson Stenner
University of California, Berkeley - BEAR Center and MetaMetrics, Inc.



mixed methods, Rasch measurement, phenomenology, philosophy, hermeneutics, methodology, network thinking, collective cognition