Dyson School, Warren Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-6201
United States
Ithaca, NY 14850
Cornell University
Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
Digitization; Food Marketing; Omnichannel Retail; Grocery Industry; Variety
Behavioral Analytics; Customer Development; Gamification and Goal Design; Health and Wellness; Mobile Application; Reference Points
Employee Engagement, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Retention, Car Rental Industry, Customer Loyalty, Customer Relationship Management, Retail Service Marketing
Bayesian Learning; Dynamic Discrete Choice; Location Intelligence; Market Structure; Retail Strategy; Social Learning; Unobserved Heterogeneity
Big Data; Customer Relationship Management; Healthy Living; Subscription Services; Weight Management
Behavioral Analytics; Commitment Device; Consistent Behavior; Habit; Freemium; Health and Wellness; Mobile Health Application Design; Self-Control.
Business Dynamism, Entrepreneurship, Firm Size, Market Power, Public Finance, Retail Diversity, Strategic Entry, Tax Incentives, Urban Policy and Revival, Place-Based Policies
Complementarity, fast food industry, nested pseudo likelihood, static entry game
Dynamic Discrete Choice Models, Entrepreneurship, Firm Investment and Value, Market Power, Product Market Competition, Real Options Theory, Retail Strategy
Dynamic Oligopoly, Entry and Exit, Market Structure, Unobserved Heterogeneity
Consumer dynamics, Heterogeneity, Quasi-experiment econometrics, Service industry, State dependence
Big Data, Causal Inference, Customer Search, Fast Fashion Industry, Location Intelligence, Product Substitutability, Quasi-Experimental Econometrics, Retail Analytics and Network, Revenue Management, Spatial Substitution.
Behavioral Analytics; Big Data; Customer Relationship Management; Freemium; Goals and Motivation; Health and Wellness; Health Education; Learning Model; Particle Filtering; Self-Control; Self-Reputation; Subscription Model; Wearables
Behavioral Analytics; Big Data; Deep Learning; Eating Habits; Mobile Health and Wellness; Nutrition Science; Personalized Health; Recommendation System Design
Behavioral Analytics; Freemium; Mobile Health; Subscriptions; Sunk Costs
Chain Stores; Dynamic Oligopoly Games; Entry and Exit; Dynamic Discrete Choice; Industry Dynamics; Market Power; Preemption; Retail Landscape and Strategy
Digital Marketplaces; Exclusive Dealing; Loyalty Program; Platform Competition and Design; Customer Loyalty; Two-Sided Market
Cooperative Innovation; Innovation Foreclosure and Preemption; Research and Development; Standardization; Strategic Incentives; Technology Licensing
Organizational Frontlines; Retail Strategy; Service Operations Management; Customer Relationship Management; Transportation Services
Behavioral Game Theory; Competition; Deterrence and Foreclosure; Entry; Market Structure; Static Games; Strategic and Non-Strategic Behavior
Bayesian Learning, Identification, Structural Behavioral Models, Uncertainty
Corporate Finance, Economics of Information, Firm Investment, Market Structure, Organizational Form, Retail Strategy, Revealed Preference
Aggregate Fluctuations, Firm Investment, Industry Dynamics, Learning Models, Market Presence, Retail Competition and Strategy, Partially Observable Stochastic Games
consumer health; digital marketing; healthcare; technology; patient journey; personalization; interactivity; information transparency
Entry Threats; Industry Dynamics; Market Structure; Oligopoly Competition; Preemption; Reduced-Form Tests; Retail Chains; Strategic Interactions
Threat of Entry, Entry Accommodation, Entry Deterrence, Organizational-Form Choice, Franchising, Retailing
Bayesian Learning, Counterfactual Identification, Dynamic Discrete Choice, Normalization Assumptions, Structural Behavioral Models, Uncertainty