43 Boulevard du Jardin Botanique
Saint-Louis University
in Total Papers Downloads
polluter-pays principle, case law, harmonisation
high level of environmental protection, EU law, EU case-law
High level of environmental protection, EU law, TFEU, environmental policy, health protection
Animal Welfare, Animal Law, Animal Rights, Religious Freedom, Halal, Kosher, Shechita, Public Health, European Union, Competence, Subsidiarity, Proportionality, Slaughter, Stunning
environmental principles, modern law, post-modern law
Subsidiarity principle, shared competencies, environmental law, enforcement, judicial review
special conservation areas, special protection areas, Birds Directive, Habitats Directive
right to a clean environment, right to health, European Union Charter of Human Rights (EUCHR), EU environmental law, private enforcement of environmental law, access to justice, European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR), right to private and family life and the home
GMOs, deliberate release into the environment of GMOs, EU marketing authorisation procedures, Restrictions to cultivation
Economic and Monetary Union, economic governance, euro area, Fiscal Compact, Six pack
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU), Euro Plus Pact, European Semester, six-pack, two-pack
Soft law, recommandations, résolutions, livres verts, actes de droit non contraignant
waste, definition, concept
Environmental protection, State aids, Guidelines
Climate change, Uncertainty, Precautionary Principle
Birds Directive, Habitats Directive, Environmental Liability Directive, environmental protection, wildlife protection
Competence, Environmental policy, Harmonization, Horizontality vs. verticality, Self-regulation, Subsidiarity
Habitats Directive, Article 6, Impact assessment, Nature protection
internal market, free movement of goods, environmental protection, obstacles to trade
principle of prevention, principle of precaution, polluter-pays principle, international law
on-line sales of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, on-line sales of contact lenses, free movement of goods and services, information society services, Articles 34 and 36 TFEU, Keck formula, health protection, proportionality of the measures
waste, definition of waste, classification, products, raw materials, by-products
waste management, definition of waste, waste capable of commercial re-use, scrap metal, recovery, recycling, declassification of discarded scrap metals as waste, comitology
environmental justice, international trade law, EU law, internal market, harmonisation
waste, residues, secondary materials, by-products, disposal, recovery operations
Emission Standards, Air Quality Standards, Fuel Standards, Emission Test Cycle, Use of Defeat Devices
Internal market, free movement of goods, measures having equivalent effect, restrictions on the use of products, sustainable development
environmental governance, legal bases, internal market, Common Commercial Policy, Common Agricultural Policy, criminal law, nuclear law
biodiversity, EC law, internal market, Common Trade Policy, Common Agricultural Policy, Sustainable development, environmental action programme
access to justice, acts harmful to human health and environment, internal review mechanism
GMOs, EU Licensing Procedures, Restrictions placed on cultivation
decision-making process, environmental law, public participation
EU stability reserve for the carbon market
economic governance, Economic and Monetary Union, excessive deficit procedure
Article 95 EC, Treaty of Amsterdam, approximation of laws, derogations
products, pollution, national measures, harmonisation
Waste management, concept of waste, ‘Polluter pays’ principle, holder, previous holders, producer, hydrocarbons and heavy fuel oil, shipwreck, International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund