12 place du Pantheon
Paris cedex 06, 75231
Université Paris II - Panthéon-Assas
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Bitcoin, Blockchain, Cyberlaw, Cryptocurrencies, Decentralization, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, Internet, Information Law, Internet of Things, Smart contracts, Smart property
blockchain, cryptoeconomics, catallaxy, public choice institutional economics
blockchain, distributed ledger technology, innovation, cryptoeconomics, institutional economics, governance, technological revolution
blockchain technology, decentralization, privacy, transparency, cryptography
bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, regulation, self-regulation
Bitcoin, Blockchain, Peer-to-peer, P2P
social media, decentralization, protocols, internet health
cloud computing, centralisation, privacy, data protection, data sovereignty
blockchain, cryptocurrency, cryptoequity, artistic production, crowdfunding, creative commons
blockchain, capitalism, institutional economics, organization
ICO, IPO, Crowdfunding, Functional Equivalence, Regulatory Positions
blockchain, governance, decentralization
code is law, blockchain, smart contracts, cryptocurrencies, self-governing protocols
Trust, trustworthiness, blockchain, decentralized finance, finance, institutional analysis, regulation
digital ethnography, blockchain governance, Discord, qualitative research methods
Blockchain, Governance, Kelsen, Schmitt, Sovereignty, State of Exception
blockchain, cryptocurrency, smart asset, smart contract, smart networks, ontology, epistemology, axiology, economic theory, algorithmic trust
network neutrality, human rights, internet governance
blockchain, theory of value, information economy, backfeed
blockchain technology, decentralized autonomous organisations, alegality, legal theory, legal philosophy, blockchain governance, regulatory sandbox
Cloud Computing, Centralization, Privacy, Confidentiality
blockchain, digital identity, self-sovereign identity, migration, economic inclusion
copyright law, digital technologies, private ordering, DRM, Open Licensing
blockchain technology, legal theory, rule of law, rule of code, regulation by code, polycentric governance
wireless community networks, mesh networking, internet commons, spectrum regulation, competition
Maximal Extractable Value, Blockchains, Commons, Common-Pool Resources, Governance, Free-riding, Appropriation problem
Trust, Confidence, Blockchain, Governance, Rule of Law, Polycentricity
blockchain, governance, commons, markets, decentralisation
commons-based peer-production; cryptocurrency, value metrics; collaborative economy; digital communities; non-market production; reputation; open source; creative commons
Copyright law, digital works, property law, erga omnes rights, numerous clausus
blockchain, fablabs, circular economy, crowdsourcing
blockchain, code is law, regulation by code, regulation technology, smart contracts
commons-based peer-production, alternative economies
blockchain, bitcoin, intellectual property
copyright; copyleft; intellectual property; commons; peer-production
trust, confidence, legitimacy, blockchain technology
Cloud Computing, automated agents, contractual negotiations
blockchain technology, ICO, securities law, risk, principle-based regulation, functional equivalence
Cloud Computing, private ordering, innovation, privacy, freedom of expression, net neutrality
information commons, peer-production, cloud computing, commodification
communication technologies, wireless community networks, internet policy, regulation, competition
open data, sui-generis right, copyright, public sector information, transparency
copyright law, internet governance, HADOPI, serendipity, unintended consequences
Blockchains, Common-Pool Resources Governance, Ostrom, Automation, Verifiability
blockchain technology, legitimacy, governance, polycentricity, loyalty
copyright law, auto-poiesis, digital technologies
Institutions, extitutions, social dynamics, complex systems, network science, organisational theory, governance theory
Internet infrastructure, surveillance, P2P networks, participatory design, citizen activism
blockchain, distributed ledger technology, technology impact, technological change, multidisciplinary research
3d printing, artificial scarcity, abundance, open design, open hardware, FabLabs
cybernetics, citizenship, COVID-19, social credit system, human rights, technology, China, digital citizenship
cybernetics, citizenship, COVID-19, social credit system, human rights, technology, China
cloud computing, ubiquitous computing, user autonomy, fundamental rights
reputation, reward systems, social innovation, community governance, participation, inclusion
blockchain, outer space, governance
copyright law; intellectual property; legal theory; system theory; autopoiesis
Ontology, copyright, metadata
Internet, Copyright law, digital technologies, ontologies, legal concept
governance, blockchain, citizenship, virtual nations
big data, cloud computing, data protection, innovation, privacy
blockchain governance, blockchain constitutionalism, decentralization, legal entities, onchain mechanisms, offchain mechanisms
Blockchain, , Blockchain Governance, , Polycentricity
blockchain, whitehat, hacker, cybersecurity, governance, cryptocurrency
Cloud Computing, private ordering, innovation, privacy, freedom of expression, net neutrality.
blockchain, governance, DAO, proof of humanity, democratic theory, governance crisis, ethnographic research
The Blockchain Governance Toolkit: A Cookbook for a Resilient and Robust Ecosystem
blockchain governance, onchain mechanisms, offchain mechanisms, decentralization, legal entities, feedback loops
blockchain, accountability, governance, rule of code, design
Progressive Decentralization V, blockchain, governance, DAO, on-chain governance, off-chain governance
Trust, blockchain, decentralized finance, finance, institutional analysis, regulation
blockchain, governance, constitutionalism
blockchain, DAO, governance, trust, confidence
blockchain, egregores, memes, altcoins, dogecoin
network neutrality, internet governance, regulation, human rights, competition