Burgemeester Oudlaan 50
3000 DR Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland 3062PA
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR)
Utility Measurement, Time Tradeoff, Willingness to pay, Publications
health state valuation, time trade-off, standard gamble, utility of life duration, loss aversion, QALY modelhealth state valuation, time trade-off, standard gamble, utility of life duration, loss aversion, QALY model
Methodology, Time trade-off, Value of a QALY, WTP
loss aversion, time tradeoff method, QALY, utility of health and wealth, willingness to pay
QALY, Time Trade Off, Standard Gamble, Prospect Theory, Loss Aversion
Time tradeoff, lead time TTO, lag time TTO, EQ-5D
Patient-regarding altruism, medical education, laboratory experiment, online experiment, structural estimation, specialty choice
inequality, risk aversion, social risk
equity weighting, health-related social welfare function, loss aversion, prospect theory, QALYs
discounting, QALY model, time tradeoff, utility measurement
ambiguity, health
correlation attitude, prudence, QALYs, risk apportionment, risk aversion
disease surveillance; false positive rate; prospect theory; rabies; timeliness
loss aversion, cumulative prospect theory, QALY model, utility of life duration
TTO, Time preference, discounting, lead time TTO, lag time TTO
preference reversal, internal consistency, scale compatibility, loss aversion, choice, matching