University of Helsinki, Erik Castrén Institute of International Law and Human Rights, Faculty of Law
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International Court of Justice, judicial effectiveness, jurisdiction, compliance, legitimacy, judicial goals, judicial independence, impact of international judgments
confidentiality; Geneva Convention 1949; Geneva Convention Additional Protocol 1; Geneva Convention Additional Protocol 2; International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
IHL, jus ad bellum, jus in bello, occupation law, security council
Shabtai Rosenne, international law, Judaism, Zionism
IHR, ICJ, legal orthodoxy, human rights, armed conflict
law of occupation, humanity, Lieber Code, legal history
laws of war, international humanitarian law, private war, public war, Francis Lieber, Lieber Code, legal history
refugees; Israel; Jewish diplomacy; international law; Jacob Robinson
international humanitarian law, military necessity, proportionality, history of the law of war, Clausewitz