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University of Wisconsin Law School
in Total Papers Downloads
in Total Papers Citations
Jurisprudence, Law & Development, Judicialization, East Asia
jurisprudence, law and development, comparative law, judicialization, East Asia
law & economic development, law reform, East Asia, international finance institutions, rule of law
Administrative Law, Asian Law, Chinese Law, Comparative Law, Comparative Administrative Law, Industrial Policy Regulation
rule of law, law and development, East Asian law, international financial institutions, comparative law
Impeachment, President, Constitution, Congress, Politics, Comparative Law, United States, Korea
Law and economic development, law reform, East Asia, international financial institutions, rule of law
law and economic development, law reform, East Asia, international financial institutions, rule of law
rule of law, economic development
Legal Profession, China, Legal History, Regulation, Ethics, Reform, Comparative Law, Foreign and International Law
China Asian Law, New Developmental State, Law and Economic Development, Bejing Consensus, Developmental State, Industrial Policy, Comparative Law
financial market regulation, securities, public law
law & economic development, east asia, law reform, international finance institutions, rule of law
Administrative law, Northeast Asia, economic governance, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China
law & society, law in action
comparative law, administrative law, east asia
comparative law, east asia, legal institutions, law and development
China, economic transition, legal origins
comparative law, regulatory institutions, legal institutions
tai landa, contract law, commercial law
James Willard Hurst, China, Economic Development, Legal History, Economic Theory, Law and Development
legal systems, capitalism, corporate law
comparative law, asian law, taiwan, law and development, law and finance, legal origins, economic development, china, east asia
Marie Seong-Hak, South Korea, Courts, Authoritarian Regimes, Book Review, Comparative Law, Legal History
Impeachment, Rule of Law, Government, Political Systems, Democracy, Due Process, Legal Process, Executive Branch, Oversight, Constitutional Law, Comparative Law
corporate law, legal market access, development policy, david trubek, legal institutions
Legal Origins, Corporate Law, Economic Development, Policy Development
Political transitions, South Korea, China, Legal Systems, Authoritarianism
law & development, law & economics
law and development, international law
International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Corruption, Northeast Asia, Anti-corruption
Japan, Japanese law, legal institutions, law and development, developing countries
East Asian Studies, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Convention on the Contract for the International Sale of Goods
Comparative Law, Republic of Korea, UN Convention on Contracts, Administrative Law, China