Durham, NC 27707
United States
North Carolina Central University School of Law
Ethics, Virtue Ethics, Technology, Confucian, Buddhist, Aristotelian, Alasdair MacIntyre, Social Media, Transhumanism, Robots
Levinas, Phenomenology, Philosophy, Continental, Habermas, Modernity, post-secular, post-structural, deconstruction, onto-theology, Sophocles, Antigone, Law, Religion, government, democracy, human rights, Clifford Geertz, Tracey Rowland, Heidegger, Husserl, Derrida
firearm, gun, second amendment, Catholic, Catholic Social Thought, John Paul II, Pro-life, culture of death, culture of life, constitution, regulation, violence, ontology of violence, peace
Jurisprudence, Natural Law, Finnis, Legal Philosophy, Logic, Medieval Philosophy, Philosophy Of Mathematics
Jurisprudence, Philosophy of Information, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of law
jurisprudence, epistemology, ontology, realism, legal theory, legal history, genealogy, Nietzsche, Foucault
Legal technology, infomatics, professional, citizen, democracy, lawyer, citizen
Freedom of religion, Religious free exercise, Free exercise clause, neuroscience
information ethics, administrative state, artificial intelligence, constitutional law, democracy
Lawyer, Professionalism, Citizenship, Democratic Theory, Catholic Social Thought, Natural Law
Critical Race Theory, Complexity Science, eCRT, Empirical Critical Race Theory, Assemblage, Agent-based Modeling
Juriprudence, information, metaphilosophy, complexity, Deleuze, DeLanda, Latour, law, legal,
Law, Lawyers, Citizenship,Catholic Social Thought, Law Schools, Legal Education
AI, Ethics, Christian, Common Good
Jurisprudence, epistemology, information, computer theory, structural realism, philosophy of information
Legal studies, Law School, legal education, liberal learning,
The Civil Rights Act in the Age of Generative AI, an Interim Report