Elie Wiesel, persuasion, rhetorical terms, ideographs, archetypal metaphors
Gender Bias, Language, Phoneme
novel, novel theory, rhetorical theory, literary criticism, Dreiser, Sister Carrie, hypocrisy
Plato, anti love, anti-semitism, teaching rhetoric and writing
law, human rights, fathers
Jane Eyre, Victorian morality, missions
Marlowe, The Jew of Malta, Hug, Toys, Early Modern Religion, Anti-Semitism, Reformation, Protestant Doctrines
rhetoric, censorship, Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde
The Road, Cormac McCarthy, Literature, King James Bible
Martin Luther, religion, morality
proverbs, teaching rhetoric and writing, classical education
King Lear, Fourth Commandment, Reformation, Shakespeare, Law, Parental Power
natural law, the Koran, friendship, enemies, Golestan, Sa'di, Abolqasem Ferdowsi, Shahname, Faridoddin Attar, The Conference of the Birds
rhetoric and writing pedagogy, The Path of the Law, Oliver Wendell Holmes, natural law
Luther, form criticism, bible interpretation, Genesis
free will, teaching rhetoric and writing, Plato, possession, enchantment, spirit
natural law, abortion, sodomy
Locke, Robinson Crusoe, law, myth, women's rights