Stanford, CA 94305
United States
Stanford University
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business cycles, time varying volatility, asymmetric adjustment, skewness
Search, Housing, Market Segmentation
expectations, surveys, interest rates, portfolio choice, asset positions, term structure, yield curve
Payments, monetary policy, liquidity trap, liquidity, asset prices, collateral premium, leverage, leverage costs, convenience yield, banking, scarce reserves, abundant reserves
housing boom, inflation, interest rates
This is a CEPR Discussion Paper. CEPR charges a fee of $8.00 for this paper.
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Asset pricing, markets, risk, prices
balance-sheet risk, credit chains, optimal currency areas, unit of account
Vertical integration, Outsourcing, Labor share, Unions, Capital intensity, Multiple equilibria
expectation formation, firms, measurement, subjective uncertainty, survey data
Expectation Formation, firms, Measurement, subjective uncertainty, survey data
Asset Pricing, Business cycle, DSGE, Markov-switching
This is a National Bureau of Economic Research Paper. NBER charges a fee of $5.00 for this paper.
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bond premia, asset pricing, risk premia