Via Salvecchio, 19
Bergamo, 24129
University of Bergamo
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youth entrepreneurship, age and entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship policies, young entrepreneurs, enterprising individuals
pecking order, venture capital, bank, NTBFs, entrepreneurial finance
new technology-based firms, NTBF, pecking order theory, POT, entrepreneurial finance, financing patterns, human capital, entrepreneur’s age, entrepreneur’s experience
Entrepreneurship; Research centers; Science and technology policy; Knowledge transfer; Research performance; Research orientation
Entrepreneurial orientation, Firm performance, Growth, Resource based theory, Small to medium-sized enterprises, Hyper-growth, Entrepreneurialism, Company performance
entrepreneurial finance; pecking order theory; POT; new technology-based firms; NTBFs; Venture Capital; Bank; Bayesian Network
NTBFs, entrepreneurship, banks, business angel, venture capital, pecking order theory
entrepreneurship, Top Management Teams, firm performance, IPO, alternative investment market
Age, Entrepreneurship, Culture, Self-employment motivation, Life-span
university spin-off, performance, taxonomy, literature review, survival
Human capital, Survival, University start-up, University spin-off, Academic entrepreneurship, Threshold
entrepreneurial learning; EL; new technology-based firms; NTBF; entrepreneurship; change; innovation; high-tech opportunities; Italy
entrepreneurship, intention-behavior link, regional institutions, regional quality of government, regional quality of social security systems, regional work ethic
Intergenerational Transmission of Entrepreneurship, Parents' Performance in Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Career Intention, Social Comparison Theory, Perceived Desirability, Perceived Feasibility