National Tsing Hua University
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Social Credit, information and communications technologies, governance, social control, human rights
State v. Loomis, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Algorithms, Black Box, Human Rights, Rule of Law, Accountability
Financial technology (FinTech), unmanned vehicle, artificial intelligence, regulatory sandbox, normative diffusion, path dependence, legal origin, legal transplant, regulatory capture
Food Safety, Global Governance, Public Heath Law, WTO, WHO, Codex
international economic law, artificial intelligence, disruption, regulation, reconfiguration, trade, WTO, data, e-commerce, technology, governance
food safety, governance, public-private regime interactions, international trade
global food safety, global administrative law, regime interactions, transnational business governance, private ordering
Food Safety, China, Regulatory Reform
communicable disease, COVID-19, International Health Regulations 2005, IHR (2005), Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC), dispute settlement, dispute resolution, institutional design
Artificial Intelligence, WTO, Legal Pluralism
food safety, global governance, international health law, SPS-plus, WTO, WHO, China, bilateralism
food safety, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Codex Alimentarius Commission (Codex), global governance
Codex Alimentarius Commission, food safety, international law, global governance
WHO, COVID-19, Sovereignty, global health governance, trans-governmental network, global heath order, Westphalia
compulsory license, WTO, TRIPS Agreement, competition policy, Taiwan, Philips, CD-R, patent
food safety, global health, regional governance, comparative regionalism, institutional design
COVID-19, risk regulation, global governance, administrative state, regulatory state, health law, infectious disease control, international law
Food Safety, International Cooperation, China, FSMA
Tobacco Control, Illicit Trade, Global Governance, FCTC
Automated driving systems, self-driving cars, autonomous vehicles, public moral, trade secrets, AI ethics, algorithm, Trolley Problem, TBT, TRIPS
TPP; CPTPP; TTIP; Regulatory Coherence; Public Consultation; Administrative Procedure Act
Transnational Private Governance, Business and Human Rights, Conflict Mineral Regulations, Modern Slavery Legislation, Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Governance
comparative law; Asian law; decolonization; law and development; Inter-Asia; comparative constitutional law; comparative international law; law and technology; private international law; mixed methods; edited volume
Private regulation, transnational governance, food safety
Regulatory Coherence, Administrative Procedure Act, CPTPP, China
food safety, WHO, global health governance
International Economic Law, SPS Agreement, WTO, Fukushima Case, Korea – Radionuclides, food safety
food safety, legal transplant, regulatory borrowing, Taiwan
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Regulatory Coherence, Good Regulatory Practice, Public Consultation, Regulatory Impact Assessment, Review, Administrative Procedure Act, China, Rule of Law