United Kingdom
London School of Economics and Political Science
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patents, vaccines, trade secrets, COVID-19, TRIPS
Artificial Intelligence; Copyright; Fair Use/Dealing; Public Domain, Sui Generis Right
Artificial intelligence, European patents, Inventorship, Ownership, Patentability, Inventive Step, DABUS, EPO, UKIPO, USPTO
Composers, Copyright, Joint authorship, Musical works, Performers
Artificial intelligence, intellectual property, copyright, infringement, exceptions, UK, EU, US
music, copyright, Infopaq, Meltwater, similarity, substantial part, infringement
Copyright, dramatic works, integrity, aura, trajectory, empirical
patent troll, NPE, non-practicing entity, PAE, patent assertion entity, Unified Patent Court, Unitary Patent, SHIELD Act, High Court, Patents County Court
patent litigation, UK
Infopaq, Meltwater, Copyright, Hyperlinks
Patent litigation, Europe
standards, patent, royalty-free, FRAND, Bluetooth, USB, IETF, ISO, ETSI, antitrust, competition, open source, software, copyleft
copyright, small claims court, CASE Act, IP Enterprise Court, IPEC, small claims track, Copyright Claims Board
open source, software, copyright, contract, compatibility, license, FOSS
standard essential patents, injunctions, competition law
trademarks, brands, law, anthropology, performativity
Trade secrets, COVISD-19, UK Government, pharmaceutical companies, access to medicines, transparency, technology transfer, compulsory licensing, fair distribution of IP ownership, competition and open innovation
Intellectual property law, trade law
Compulsory licensing, trade secrets, patents, Crown use, access to medicines, freedom of information (FOI) request, the UK MHRA, UK legislative reform, pandemic preparedness, biologic, TRIPS, ECHR, PUBLIC HEALTH, MEDICAL REGULATION
Innovation, Universities, Intellectual Property, Patents
copyright, digital single market, EU, law
patents, law, costs, loser pays, litigation
Litigation, fee shifting, court reform, intellectual property, UK
IP, patent, ISDS, investor-state arbitration, TRIPS, NAFTA, expropriation, fair and equitable treatment, utility, industrial application, promise doctrine, secondary patents, evergreening
Constitution, Ireland, India, Pakistan, Dominion
patents, European Union, litigation, court reform
Access to Medical Technologies, Access to Medicines, Access to Vaccines, Article 11bis, Compulsory Licenses, COVID-19, Global Health, Health, Health Emergencies, Intellectual Property, Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), Pandemic, Pandemic Accord, Pandemic Instrument, Pandemic Preparedness