80 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208
United States
Albany Law School
in Total Papers Downloads
in Total Papers Citations
green building, sustainability, climate change adaptation, environmental law, energy, natural resources, building codes, local government
sustainability, climate change, adaptation, resiliency
sustainability, higher education, university expansion, eminent domain, community benefits agreement, public participation
urban development, environment, property
legal scholarship, teaching, legal profession, education, pedagogy
climate change, local government, land use
environmental law, government, ecosystem
environment, environmental law, green building, alternative energy, environmental policy, nature, pluralistic, constructivist, transformative
ecosystem, Deepwater Horizon, oil, Gulf of Mexico, environmental disasters, natural resources
environmental law, natural resources law, local government, land use planning, procurement, sustainability, sustainable development, zoning, climate change
climate change, adaptation
Zero Sum, Environmental Law, Rhetoric, Trade Offs
nature, property, environment, ecosystem
watershed, government, ecosystem, natural resources
town, gown, shared space, institution, educational mission
Government, Real Estate, Taking
COVID-19, systemic racial injustice, environmental law collaborative
PBL, problem based learning, problem based teaching, Best Practices, Legal Education, land use planning, problem solving, thinking like a lawyer
environmental law, environmental ethics, property rights
zoning, land use controls, land use planning, local government, Euclid, zoning amendment, change or mistake rule, rezone
land use, legal education, real property, teaching, students
ecosystem, fish, farm, habitat, environment, land
sustainability, government, environment
wetlands, ecosystem, environmental law, natural resources law, ecosystem services, ecological economics, local government, local environmental law, zoning, land use planning
property, capture and care, capture, care, ecofeminism, environment
ecosystem, agriculture, export
environmental policy, nature
ecosystem, environment, natural resources, NEPA, environmental regulations
Climate change, environmental law, climate justice
local governments, land use, environment
wind power, clean energy, PEIS, environment
water rights
Environmental Law, Baselines, Shifting Baseline Syndrome, Climate Change
ecosystems, ecosystem services, local government, land use, communities, federalism, environment, natural resources, decentralization
ecosystems, water infrastructure
environmental law, property, nuisance, air space, water polution, air polution, zoning, Euclid, Ohio
land use, climate change, water, zoning, environment
Place, Place-Based, Environment, Environmental Law, Local, State, Local Environmental Law, Decentralization
climate change, climate dominance, adaptation, critical feminist theory, climate migration, climate gentrification, racial dominance, ecosystem services, topographical dominance
legal history, environmental law
environmental law, natural resources law, ecology, citizen monitoring, indicator species, administrative law, water quality, ecosystem management
Zoning, Land Use, Air Quality, Maine, Preemption, Home Rule, Environmental Law
Land use control; resiliency strategies, agriculture, local government, ecosystem services
environmental law, natural resources law, geology, ecosystem services, geosystem services
ecosystem services, environment, natural resources
SEPA, EIS, environment
compensation statutes, lans use regulation, Measure 37
Cultural value, ecosystem
colonialism, REDD+, climate change, environment, natural resources, sustainability
SEPA, environment, courts
climate, wetlands, wildlife, water pollutants, ecosystem, watersheds, dredging
Local government, climate change, local environmental law, sustainability
Climate change, Climate emergency, adaptation, resilience
land use, racial justice, law and geography, White Space, Community identity
environmental law, climate change, sustainability, legal evolution, adaptation, mitigation