3508 TC Utrecht
Utrecht University School of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
business policy, case-law, company law, company structure, EU law - national law, EU Member State, merger, merger control, protection of shareholders, shareholder, shareholding, takeover bid, European Commission, company law, European Company law, shareholders, shareholders rights
MVO, maatschappelijke onderneming, social enterprises, social entrepreneurship
CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, Earth Charter, UN Guiding Principles, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, National Contact Points, state liability for climate change, corruption, private regulation
Accounting Policies, Valuation Production Assets, Climate Change, Stewardship, Task force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures.
Corporate Social Responsibility, partnership for sustainable development, climate change, renewable energy, community-public-private partnership, stakeholder engagement, triple P investment, Indonesia, Sumba, Nusa Tenggara
Business & human rights, Corporate social responsibility, Private law enforcement, Civil liability
social enterprises; corporate legal structures; Earth Charter; innovation; non-profit; sustainable development
Bilateral Investment Treaties, investment, environment, International Investment Agreements, foreign direct investment, green economy, climate change, International Trade Law
works council, CSR, multinational companies
social enterprises; social entrepreneurship; corporate legal structures; non-profit; sustainable development
Solvency, insolvency, natural capital, social capital, corporate law, integrating reporting
Dutch social enterprises, Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling (ANBI) tax status; public benefit companies; Sociaal Belang Behartigende Instelling (SBBI) tax status; social benefit companies; societal goals; gender equality
Social enterprise, social entrepreneurship, stakeholders, stakeholder-participation, participatory model, governance, decision-making structures, legal organisational forms for social enterprises
social enterprises, legal forms, survey, the Netherlands
private regulation, private regulatory regimes, self-regulation, co-regulation, alternative regulation, codes of conduct, CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, compliance, GRI Guidelines, OECD MNE Guidelines, Global Compact Principles, Bocconi Legal Papers