UCLA School of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
in Total Papers Citations
big data, data mining, algorithms, discrimination, employment discrimination, Title VII, civil rights, disparate treatment, disparate impact, procedural fairness, substantive fairness, inequality
Fairness-Aware Machine Learning, Sociotechnical Systems, Interdisciplinary
algorithmic accountability, explanations, law and technology, machine learning, big data, privacy, discrimination
tort, negligence, artificial intelligence, machine learning
Civil Rights, Disparate Impact, Discrimination, Big Data, Data Mining, Algorithms, Machine Learning, Policing, Predictive Policing, Fourth Amendment, Criminal Procedure, Administrative Law
GDPR, explanations, right to explanation, algorithms, machine learning, law and technology, law, EU law
impact assessments, algorithmic impact assessments, law and technology, algorithms, legislation
AI, artificial intelligence, administrative law, FTC, discrimination
Law & Technology, courts
privacy, Fourth Amendment, civil liberties, contextual integrity, criminal procedure, constitutional law, technology
machine learning, explanation, interpretability, privacy, policing, Fourth Amendment, law and technology, Big Data
interpretability, counterfactual explanation, principal reasons, accountability, autonomy
journalism, cable news, media, First Amendment, market-based, regulation