Aras na Laoi
Western Road
University College Cork
in Total Papers Downloads
Resulting Trusts, Trusts, Unjust Enrichment, Legal History, Equity, Land Law, Property, Law Reform, Presumptions
law, equity, proprietary estoppel, constructive trusts
Law, Law of Trusts, Property Law, Cohabitation, Family Property Law, UK Supreme Court, Constructive Trusts, Common Intention
Law of Trusts, Secret Trusts, Half-Secret Trusts, Law of Equity, Equity, Fraud, Constructive Trusts, Succession Law, Statutory Interpretation, Using a Statute as an Instrument of Fraud
land law, estoppel, promises, inheritance, successsion law, property, appeal courts
Law, Land Law, Law of Trusts, Cohabitation, Family Law, Property Law, Family Property, Legal History, constructive trusts, imputation, inference, resulting trusts, legal doctrine
Resulting Trusts, Legal History, Restitution, Unjust Enrichment
Proprietary Estoppel, Equity, Law
Law of Trusts, Law of Equity, Family Home, Constructive trusts, Cohabitation, Beneficial interests, Co-ownership, Declarations of trust, Intention
Trust Law, resulting trusts, constructive trusts, cohabitation, matrimonial property, constitutional law, law of equity, law of property, family law, proprietary estoppel, cohabitation, law reform
Succession law; property law; homicide; joint tenancy; co-ownership; forfeiture; accomplices; crime; criminal law; attempted murder; law reform
Succession, Commorientes, Simultaneous Death, Co-Ownership, Joint Tenancies, Severance, Legal History
Constructive Trusts, Cohabitation, Equity, Law Reform, Family Law
resulting trusts, presumptions, equity, legal history, declaration, intention, restitution
Law, Trusts, Constructive trusts, Co-ownership, Family home, Cohabitation, Land Law, Family Law, Intention, Presumptions, Relationship breakdown, Unmarried couples
Land law, easements, prescription, prescriptive acquisition, Irish law, law reform, profits a prendre, Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act, property, property law
Land Law, Property Law, Adverse possession, Squatter's Rights, Squatting, Comparative law, Intervening events, Ireland, Life tenants, Limitation periods, law reform
Proprietary Estoppel, Succession Law, Equity, Equitable Remedies, Narrative Theory, Storytelling, Promises, Inheritance, Farms
Undue Influence, Equity, Bank guarantees, banking law, third parties, constructive notice, Etridge, Irish law, Law of Contract
Cohabitation, Law Reform, Cohabitation Contracts, Irish law, law of trusts, financial dependency, Constitutional law
Resulting Trusts, rule in Seldon v Davidson, trusts, loans, equity, implied trusts, debt, presumptions, gifts, voluntary transfers, presumption of loan, presumption of resulting trust
Trusts, Family Home, Resulting Trusts, Constructive Trusts, Common Intention, Family Law, Cohabitation, Private Law, Comparative Law
law of equity, undue influence, bank guarantees, misrepresentation, unjust enrichment, rescission
Cohabitants, family law, property law, reform
Law of Trusts, Legal History, Land Law, Property Law, Lord Nottingham, Lord Hardwicke, Uses and Trusts
cohabitation, civil partnership, constitutional law, Irish law, law reform
land law; easements, prescription, property law, law reform, irish law, profits a prendre, law reform commission
Proprietary Estoppel, Easement, Land Law
Succession Law, family provision, Irish law, law of property, family law, family property law.
Law, Law of Equity, Resulting Trusts, Legal History, Transfer of Land, Uses
Trusts, Resulting Trusts, Presumptions, Presumption of Advancement, Equity, Family Law, Australian Law, Law of Evidence, Legal History
Succession Law, Wills, Revocation of Wills, Destruction of Wills, Property Law, Law Reform, Comparative Law, Irish Law, English Law