3508 TC Utrecht
Utrecht University, Law School
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Concept of personal data, material scope of data protection, information relating to an individual, Breyer, YS, Nowak
Property in Personal Data, Data Ownership, Transparency of Property Rights, Collective Rights in Personal Data, Data Commons, Data as a Common Good, Data Portability, Data as Counter-Performance, Data as an Asset, Access to Data
Data portability; data protection; intellectual property; competition; consumer protection; data control
information privacy, property, social networks, data protection
data protection reform, data portability, right to be forgotten, accountability
cybercrime, data transfer, information sharing, Police Directive, public-private partnership, joint controllers
US information privacy law, data protection, property in personal data
Lessig, property in personal data
Affirmative State Obligations, Data Protection, Horizontal Effect, Negative Rights, Positive State Obligations, Property Rights in Personal Data, Waiver of Fundamental Rights
eHealth, mHealth, digital health, health apps, regulation of technology, privacy by design, privacy impact assessment, requirements engineering
data protection, health data, commons, privacy, data capture, power, sustainable data use, common good
algorithmic classification, Breyer, identification, individuation, personalisation, federated learning
concept of personal data; identifiability; free flow of data; data economy; data portability
property rights, data protection, comparative property law
default entitlements, data protection reform, informational self-determination, legitimate interest, consent, right to be forgotten, purpose limitation, Article 8 of the EU Fundamental Rights Charter
Data protection, personal data, data law, informational privacy, semantic information, syntactic information, regulation
Law firms, privatisation of rule-setting, data protection
law firms, privatisation of rule-setting, data protection
data privacy, data protection, GDPR, CCPA, privacy, privacy law, material scope
eHealth; mHealth; EU medical device reform; cloud computing; modular eHealth; safety and performance of health apps