Wellington Road
Clayton, Victoria 3800
Faculty of Law, Monash University
in Total Papers Downloads
trade law; investment law; good governance; international economic law; procedural fairness; transparency; international courts and tribunals; fair and equitable treatment; impartiality
WTO, Global Administrative Law, in a uniform, impartial and reasonable manner
GATT Article XIV, Exceptions to the Rule of Non-discrimination, Trade Restrictions for Balance of Payments (BOP) Reasons, The WTO and the IMF
WTO, TBT Agreement, GATT, Palm Oil, Labelling
GATT Article XV, Exchange Agreements, Exchange Controls and Trade Restrictions, The WTO and the IMF
Foreign Investment; Public Health; Regulatory Autonomy; Tobacco; Pharmaceuticals
WTO, weaponised trade, sanctions, trade war, world trade organisation, world trade organization, defence, security, geostrategy, geopolitics, grey zone warfare, defence, Australia, China, USA, economic statecraft, tariffs, antidumping duties
international investment law, treaty law, public international law, China, Australia
TPP, trade, investment, international law, dispute settlement, services, WTO
Australia, international trade law, WTO, free trade agreements
Tobacco, Trade, Investment, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Public Health, Trade Agreements, Investment Agreements, Negotiation
NEPA, coal, exports, environmental review
Necessity, least-restrictive means, WTO, TBT Agreement, SPS Agreement, investor-state arbitration, Appellate Body, international investment law, investor-state dispute settlement, general exceptions, security exceptions, non-precluded measures
investment, investment law, investment treaties, fair and equitable treatment, general exceptions, right to regulate, carve-outs
Discrimination, WTO, general exceptions, Article XX GATT, SPS Agreement, TBT Agreement, international investment law, investor-state arbitration, investor-state dispute settlement, Appellate Body
international trade law, international investment law, international finance, financial regulation, artificial intelligence, international economic law