Via Cintia
Complesso Monte S. Angelo
Naples, Naples 80126
CSEF - University of Naples Federico II - Centre for Studies in Economics and Finance (CSEF)
Local taxation, endogeneity, spatial differencing, two-way clustering
COVID-19, lockdown, essential sectors
family firms, corporate control, wage, career, workers, human capital, productivity, management
inter-municipal cooperation, fiscal revenues, bivariate response variable, panel data, endogeneity
informality, labor vouchers, flexible work arrangements, occasional work, zero-hour contracts
Early-life, Stress, Life-long earnings, mass layoff, dynamic complementarities
early-life, stress, life-long earnings, mass layoff, dynamic complementarities
Specific Factor Model, Productive Tasks, Rybczynski Effect, International Migration
Fetal programming hypothesis; War exposure; Nazi massacres, Stress; Famine; Chronic diseases; Health expenditure, Long-term effects, Italy
WWII; Violent raids; Prenatal exposure; Offspring; Life-cycle earnings; Mass layoff
Inter-municipal cooperation; panel data; control function
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vehicle taxation, spatial auto-correlation, censored data
earnings inequality, industries, sorting, segregation
temporary contracts, young workers, flexibility, institutional reforms, employment protection legislation
This is a National Bureau of Economic Research Paper. NBER charges a fee of $5.00 for this paper.
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audits, deterrence, tax evasion
Decentralization, integration, electoral participation, fiscal revenues, cooperation, quasi-natural experiment