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Basel, Basel-Stadt 4002
Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
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operational risks, financial institutions, cyber risks, time to discovery, value-at-risk
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cyber risks, financial institutions, Operational risks, time to discovery, Value-At-Risk
Non-banks, syndicated loans, financial crises, financial stability, relationship lending
Non-banks, syndicated loans, financial crises, relationship lending, financial stability.
cyber risk, cloud services, financial institutions, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, cyber cost, cyber regulation
Bitcoin, cloud services, cryptocurrencies, cyber cost, cyber regulation, cyber risk, financial institutions
banking networks, systemic risk, contagion, fire sales, prudential regulation
banking networks, centrality metrics, systemic risk
Banking networks, systemic risk, contagion, fire sales, prudential regulation
banking networks, contagion, fire sales, prudential regulation, systemic risk
Global Banks, Dollar Funding, Regulation, Money Market Funds, Window-Dressing, US MMF Reform
global financial cycle, financial cycle, business cycle, capital flows
derivatives markets, OTC, financial networks
interbank networks, systemic importance, multiplex networks
banks, input-output, systemic risk, too-interconnected-to-fail, networks, interbank markets
fiscal decentralization, vertical fiscal imbalances, panel data, public debt, GFSY
Fiscal decentralization, Vertical fiscal imbalances, Public debt, Fiscal performance, Government expenditures, Revenues, Panel analysis, panel data, GFSY, subnational, subnational governments, transfers, central government, sub-national, expenditure decentralization
Stablecoins, crypto, global games, bank runs
syndicated loans, CDS, speculation, capital regulation, EMIR, cross-border lending, asymmetric information
asymmetric information, capital regulation, CDS, cross-border lending, EMIR, speculation, syndicated loans
dollar funding, dollar liqudiity, central bank swap lines, cross border capital flows
Central counterparties, systemic risk, contagion, stress testing, Cover 2
E30, E40, E50, G20, G30
bank loans, Bayesian VAR, credit creation, ECB, euro area, external financing, financing structure
dollar funding, central bank swap lines, dollar liquidity
global banks, dollar funding, money market funds, relationship frictions, US Money Market Fund reform
funding dry-ups, competition, spillovers, money market funds, corporate deposits, dollar funding
inflation differentials, price convergence, exchange rate, panel data
funding dry-ups, spillovers, money market funds, corporate deposits, dollar funding, competition
Solvency risk, funding cost, simultaneous equation model, stress testing, macroprudential policy, bank business models
Bitcoin, crypto, monetary policy shocks, money market funds, stablecoins
bank geographic complexity, bank risk, bank regulation, GSIB
bank runs, contagion, interconnections, liquidity scarcity, phase-ins
aid allocation, sector-specific commitments, Theil index, donor coordination, overlaps