University of Melbourne
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Homelessness, women, children, hidden homeless, policies, coping strategies, Journeys Home
Marriage, Divorce, Gender, Son Preference, Netherlands, Registry Data
Marriage, divorce, gender, son preference, Netherlands, registry data
Marriage, divorce, Valentine’s Day, commitment, weddings
Financial wellbeing, COVID-19, unemployment, earnings reduction, inequality
Financial wellbeing, bank-record data, financial behavior, item response theory models, machine-learning, LASSO
Housing insecurity, homelessness, violence, Journeys Home Survey
Mental health, unemployment, labor market status, HILDA survey, depressive symptoms, depression
Food insecurity, Food Consumption, Food Expenditures, Homelessness, Journeys Home Survey
Food Insecurity, Children, Gender, Intrafamily Allocation, Three-City Study
Financial hardship, intra-household allocation, couples, Australia
youths, nest-leaving, financial hardships, nutrition
job quality, scales, Australia, HILDA Survey
work-family strains and gains, cognitive abilities, skills, household resources, Australia, HILDA survey
financial outcomes; adolescence; early adulthood; HILDA survey; LSAY; LSAC