McClelland Hall
Tucson, AZ 85721-0108
United States
University of Arizona - Department of Economics
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Promises, partnership, contract theory, behavioral economics, hidden action, moral hazard, lies, social preferences, psychological game theory, guilt aversion, reciprocity, fairness
frustration, anger, blame, belief-dependent preferences, psychological games
psychological game theory, belief-dependent motivation, reciprocity, emotions, image concerns, self-esteem
Anti-trust, leniency, immunity, amnesty, blow the whistle, cartels, price competition, Bertrand model, experiment, communication
Behavioral economics, cheap talk, communication, cost-of-lying, credibility, guilt aversion, psychological game theory, promises
Psychological games, belief-dependent motivation, extensive-form solution concepts, dynamic interactive epistemology
bribes, corruption, governance, immunity, law enforcement, leniency, whistleblowers
cheating, lying, costs, audience, perceived cheating aversion
social norms, partial norms, normative expectations, consensus, experiment
agreement, bargaining, behavioral economics, contract, deal, experiment, honesty, lost wallet game, negotiation, temptation
discrete public good, participation, reciprocity networks, coordination, cost-sharing
Communication, Hold-up, Frustration and anger, Psychological game theory
Social Preferences, Competitive Markets, General Equilibrium
Promises, expectations, guilt aversion, moral commitment, causation
backward induction, interactive epistemology, player set cardinality, experiment
trustworthiness, honesty, reciprocity, field experiment, haggling, taxis, Mexico City
conflict, land-conflict game, social preferences, forward induction, Ethiopia, experiment, land reform
co-financing agreements, informal agreements, public goods, reciprocity
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markets, other-regarding preferences, self-interest, welfare
bribes, corruption, immunity, law enforcement, leniency, whistleblowers
Consensus, Experiment, normative expectations, partial norms, Social norms