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Tertiary Education, Labor Markets, Skills Development and Labor Force Training, Employment and Unemployment, Small and Medium Size Enterprises
youth employment, self-employment, entrepreneurship training, program evaluation, behavioral skills, soft skills
Safety Nets and Transfers, Regional Economic Development, Rural Poverty Reduction, Housing & Human Habitats
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cash transfers, climate change adaptation, diversification, productive investment, risk-management, shocks, vocational training
Vocational Education & Technical Training, Conditional Cash Transfers, Poverty Reduction Strategies, Pro-Poor Growth, Business in Development
equilibrium effects, direct and indirect effects, training, wage subsidy, apprenticeship, employment, micro and small enterprises, field experiment, Africa
Inequality, Social Protections & Assistance
Social Accountability, Livestock and Animal Husbandry, Public Sector Administrative & Civil Service Reform, Public Sector Administrative and Civil Service Reform, De Facto Governments, Democratic Government, Health Care Services Industry
conflict, terrorism, cash transfers, Sahel
Employment and Unemployment, International Trade and Trade Rules, Skills Development and Labor Force Training, Vocational & Technical Education, Vocational Education & Technical Training
Inequality, Disability, Access of Poor to Social Services, Economic Assistance, Services & Transfers to Poor, Livestock and Animal Husbandry, Social Protections & Assistance, Demographics
Private Sector Economics, Private Sector Development Law, Marketing, Labor Markets, Employment and Unemployment, Educational Sciences
women's economic capacity, female empowerment, Nicaragua, child labor, human capital accumulation, field experiment