Stefano Ugolini

University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)

21, Allée de Brienne

Toulouse, 31042




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Scholarly Papers (21)

Where it All Began: Lending of Last Resort and the Bank of England During the Overend-Gurney Panic of 1866

Norges Bank Working Paper No. 2011/03
Number of pages: 47 Posted: 27 May 2011
Marc Flandreau and Stefano Ugolini
Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 362 (164,272)
Citation 11



Financial crises, lending of last resort, history of monetary policy, shadow banking system, banking supervision

Where it All Began: Lending of Last Resort and the Bank of England During the Overend, Gurney Panic of 1866

Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Working Paper No. 04/2011
Number of pages: 47 Posted: 21 Feb 2011
Marc Flandreau and Stefano Ugolini
Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 178 (334,910)
Citation 12



Where it All Began: Lending of Last Resort and the Bank of England During the Overend, Gurney Panic of 1866

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP8362
Number of pages: 49 Posted: 04 May 2011
Marc Flandreau and Stefano Ugolini
Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 12 (1,150,706)
Citation 7
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Bagehot, Central Banking, Lending of Last Resort, Shadow Banking System


Bagehot for Beginners: The Making of Lending of Last Resort Operations in the Mid-19th Century

Norges Bank’s Working Papers Series No. 2009-22
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 04 Dec 2009
Vincent Bignon, Marc Flandreau and Stefano Ugolini
Banque de France, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 258 (236,402)
Citation 15



Lending of last resort, Bagehot, Bank of England, financial crises, history of monetary policy


The Crisis of 1866

Number of pages: 29 Posted: 04 Jun 2014
Marc Flandreau and Stefano Ugolini
Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 255 (240,100)
Citation 3



Bagehot, Bank of England, Lending of last resort, Supervision, Moral hazard, Discount, Overend Gurney Panic, Baring


What Do We Really Know About the Long-Term Evolution of Central Banking? Evidence from the Past, Insights for the Present

Norges Bank Working Paper No. 2011/07
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 25 Nov 2011
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 249 (244,903)
Citation 13



Central banking, monetary policy, financial stability, institutional design

Foreign Exchange Reserve Management in the 19th Century: The National Bank of Belgium in the 1850s

Norges Bank Working Paper No. 2011/07
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 28 Jul 2011
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 120 (464,142)



Foreign exchange reserves, international monetary systems, central banking, risk management

Foreign Exchange Reserve Management in the 19th Century: The National Bank of Belgium in the 1850s

Norges Bank Working Paper No. 2011/07
Number of pages: 30 Posted: 30 Sep 2011
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 110 (496,360)
Citation 4



Foreign exchange reserves, international monetary systems, central banking, risk management

Intermediaries’ Substitutability and Financial Network Resilience: A Hyperstructure Approach

Number of pages: 56 Posted: 27 Jul 2022
London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), University of Toulouse - Sciences Po Toulouse - LEREPS and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 169 (350,689)



Financial networks, systemic risk, hypergraphs, intermediation chains, bills of exchange, hyperstructures

Intermediaries’ Substitutability and Financial Network Resilience: A Hyperstructure Approach

Number of pages: 87 Posted: 18 Aug 2022
Olivier Accominotti, Delio Lucena and Stefano Ugolini
London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), University of Toulouse and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 35 (898,131)



Financial networks, systemic risk, hypergraphs, intermediation chains, bills of exchange, hyperstructures


Pandemic Recession and Helicopter Money: Venice, 1629-1631

BAFFI CAREFIN Centre Research Paper No. 179, 2022
Number of pages: 53 Posted: 10 May 2022
Charles Goodhart, Donato Masciandaro and Stefano Ugolini
London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) - Financial Markets Group, Bocconi University - Department of EconomicsBocconi University - Department of Economics (ECO) and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 194 (310,232)
Citation 2



monetary policy, helicopter money, pandemic, Venice 1629-1631

The International Monetary System, 1844-1870: Arbitrage, Efficiency, Liquidity

Norges Bank Working Paper 201-23
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 07 Dec 2010
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 108 (503,235)
Citation 3



International Monetary System, Financial Integration, Money Markets, Bimetallism

The International Monetary System, 1844-1870: Arbitrage, Efficiency, Liquidity

Norges Bank Working Paper 2010/23
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 09 Jan 2011
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 80 (614,468)



International monetary system, financial integration, money markets, bimetallism

International Trade Finance from the Origins to the Present: Market Structures, Regulation and Governance

The Oxford Handbook of Institutions of International Economic Governance and Market Regulation, 2019
Number of pages: 36 Posted: 17 Oct 2019
Olivier Accominotti and Stefano Ugolini
London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 183 (326,587)
Citation 4



trade finance, bill of exchange, market structure, governance

International Trade Finance from the Origins to the Present: Market Structures, Regulation, and Governance

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP13661
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 16 Apr 2019
Olivier Accominotti and Stefano Ugolini
London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 4 (1,253,396)
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bill of exchange, letter of credit, market structure, Trade Finance

Universal Banking and the Development of Secondary Corporate Debt Markets: Lessons from 1830s Belgium

Norges Bank Working Paper 2010/21
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 09 Jan 2011
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 92 (562,912)



Universal banking, stock markets, intermediation, financial development

Universal Banking and the Development of Secondary Corporate Debt Markets: Lessons from 1830s Belgium

Norges Bank Working Paper 2010-21
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 07 Dec 2010
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 66 (683,410)



Universal Banking, Stock Markets, Intermediation, Financial Development

The Origination and Distribution of Money Market Instruments: Sterling Bills of Exchange during the First Globalisation

Number of pages: 49 Posted: 23 Oct 2019
London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), University of Toulouse - Sciences Po Toulouse - LEREPS and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 155 (377,729)
Citation 1



money market, industrial organisation, information asymmetry, bill of exchange

The Origination and Distribution of Money Market Instruments: Sterling Bills of Exchange During the First Globalisation

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP14058
Number of pages: 52 Posted: 17 Oct 2019 Last Revised: 23 Oct 2019
Olivier Accominotti, Delio Lucena and Stefano Ugolini
London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE), University of Toulouse and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 1 (1,292,554)
Citation 4
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bill of exchange, Industrial Organisation, information asymmetry, money market


The Coevolution of Money Markets and Monetary Policy, 1815-2008

ECB Working Paper No. 1756
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 21 Dec 2014
Clemens Jobst and Stefano Ugolini
Departement of Economic and Social History and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 151 (385,791)
Citation 6



central banking, money markets, monetary policy implementation


The Bank of England as the World Gold Market-Maker During the Classical Gold Standard Era, 1889-1910

Norges Bank Working Paper 2012-15
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 28 May 2013
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 131 (431,853)
Citation 1



Monetary policy, Gold standard, Gold market, Market microstructure


Liquidity Management and Central Bank Strength: Bank of England Operations Reloaded, 1889-1910

Norges Bank Working Paper 10/2016
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 24 Sep 2016
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 126 (444,949)
Citation 12



Central banking, institutional design, monetary policy implementation, reverse repos, term structure of interest rates, gold standard


Fiscal Dominance, Monetary Policy and Exchange Rates: Lessons from Early-Modern Venice

Number of pages: 38 Posted: 26 Jul 2023
Donato Masciandaro, Davide Romelli and Stefano Ugolini
Bocconi University - Department of EconomicsBocconi University - Department of Economics (ECO), Trinity College (Dublin) - Department of Economics and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 116 (473,902)



Fiscal dominance, Exchange rates, Venice

The Origins of Foreign Exchange Policy: The National Bank of Belgium and the Quest for Monetary Independence in the 1850s

Norges Bank Working Paper 2010/22
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 09 Jan 2011
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 53 (760,247)
Citation 4



Foreign exchange policy, monetary policy implementation, reserve management

The Origins of Foreign Exchange Policy: The National Bank of Belgium and the Quest for Monetary Independence in the 1850s

Norges Bank Working Paper 2010-22
Number of pages: 37 Posted: 07 Dec 2010
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 41 (847,273)
Citation 2



Foreign Exchange Policy, Monetary Policy Implementation, Reserve Management


Chasing “Strange Animals”: Network Analysis Tools for the Study of Hybrid Organizations

Number of pages: 26 Posted: 04 Apr 2022
Delio Lucena Piquero, Stefano Ugolini and Jerome Vicente
University of Toulouse - Sciences Po Toulouse - LEREPS, University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS) and LEREPS Sciences Po Toulouse, University of Toulouse
Downloads 74 (632,403)
Citation 1



Hybrid organizations, Supra-dyadic relationships, Structural equivalence, High-order interaction networks


Beneath the Gold Points: European Financial Market Integration, 1844-1870

Banque de France Working Paper No. 647
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 24 Oct 2017
Vincent Bignon, Jinzhao Chen and Stefano Ugolini
Banque de France, ESC Clermont Business School and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 65 (676,204)
Citation 5



Financial integration, efficiency, exchange rate, gold points, TAR model


Fiscal Dominance, Monetary Policy and Exchange Rates: Lessons from Early-Modern Venice

BAFFI CAREFIN Centre Research Paper No. 205
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 26 Jul 2023
Donato Masciandaro, Davide Romelli and Stefano Ugolini
Bocconi University, Trinity College (Dublin) - Department of Economics and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 62 (691,920)





L’Invention d’un Système Monétaire National: Banques d’Émission, Supervision Bancaire et Développement Financier en Belgique 1822-1872 (The Invention of a National Monetary System: Banks of Issue, Banking Supervision, and Financial Development in Belgium 1822-1872)

Number of pages: 16 Posted: 04 Apr 2012
Stefano Ugolini
University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
Downloads 59 (708,239)



central banking, banking supervision, financial development


Pandemic Recession, Helicopter Money and Central Banking: Venice, 1630

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP15715
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 11 Feb 2021
Charles Goodhart, Donato Masciandaro and Stefano Ugolini
London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE) - Financial Markets Group, Bocconi University - Department of EconomicsBocconi University - Department of Economics (ECO) and University of Toulouse 1 - Laboratoire d'Etudes et de Recherches sur l'Économie, les Politiques et les Systèmes Sociaux (LEREPS)
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