3022 S. Vermont Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90089
United States
University of Southern California - Department of Economics
in Total Papers Citations
principal-agent, incomplete and symmetric information, learning, experimentation, optimal stopping rule, informational rents, information control, public ignorance
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Incomplete and symmetric information, learning, experimentation, optimal stopping rule, informational rents, information control, public ignorance, principal-agent
Neuroeconomics, dual self model
Auctions, type-dependent externalities, countervailing incentives, mechanism design
laboratory experiment, portfolio allocation, relative performance, skewed asset
asymmetric information, attention, laboratory experiment, mousetracking
Allocation mechanisms, non-excludable goods, vertical and horizontal differentiation, mechanism design, externalities
Self-perception, bias in judgement, decision-making
Soccer rules, game theory
developmental decision-making, centipede game, backward induction, risk-taking
developmental decision-making, Coordination, repeated games.
altruism, developmental decision-making, repeated games, strategic giving
mechanism design, multiple brain systems, neural darwinism, neuroeconomic theory
adversarial system, experiment, information acquisition, search
Bayesian learning, Emotion, Information processing, neurobiology, Neuroeconomics, Reason
CRRA, HARA, laboratory experiments, portfolio allocation, risk aversion
common value auction, laboratory experiment, winner's curse
aging, complexity, laboratory experiments, revealed preferences
cursed equilibrium, Laboratory experiments, level-k, second price common value auctions, winner's curse
coordination, developmental decision-making, repeated games
auctions, laboratory experiment