Königsworther Platz 1
Hannover, 30167
Leibniz University Hannover
Historiography; recent literature on the history of economic thought; scope, methods, and sources in the history of economic thought; new trends in the history of economic thought
history of rational choice theory, Cowles Commission, normative turn
history of economics, social network analysis, recent historiography of economics
History of rational choice theory
Survey Article, Review Article, Clarivate Analytics, Impact Factors, Publishing and Scientific Practices, History of Economics
axiomatic method, Jacob Marschak, rational choice theory, Cowles Commission, expected utility theory, biographies of scientific objects, behavioral sciences, Ford Foundation, John von Neumann, Oskar Morgenstern, game theory
narratives in science, history of rational choice models, history of political science, narratives in economics
Business cycle model, functional progress, model building, template, transfer of knowledge
Ragnar Frisch, thought experiments, utility measurement
Acknowledgments analysis, blockmodeling, diffusion of scientific theories, history of rational choice theories, history of economics, opinion leaders in science