Maurizio Mazziero




Rank 48,428


Top 48,428

in Total Papers Downloads


Rank 48,171


Top 48,171

in Total Papers Citations


Scholarly Papers (47)

Italia 2011: Un Anno Di Sofferenza (Italy 2011: A Year of Sufferance)

Number of pages: 35 Posted: 19 Feb 2012 Last Revised: 27 Feb 2012
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN and Independent
Downloads 144 (416,097)
Citation 5



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating

Italy 2011: A Year of Sufferance

Number of pages: 36 Posted: 22 Feb 2012
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN and Independent
Downloads 137 (433,101)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


2010: Un Altro Anno a Debito per l’Italia (2010: Another Year of Debt for Italy)

Number of pages: 10 Posted: 12 Apr 2011
Maurizio Mazziero
Downloads 80 (627,446)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds


Italia 1q2011: Pil, Debito & Co. (Italy 1q2011: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Number of pages: 14 Posted: 18 Jun 2011
Maurizio Mazziero
Downloads 73 (659,478)
Citation 1



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation


Italia Economia a Metà 2020 (Italy: Economy in Mid-2020)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 10, Number 3 ISSN 2283-7035, 2020
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 12 Nov 2020
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 72 (664,292)



Public Spending, Public Debt, GDP, GDP Growth, Government Bonds, Inflation, Unemployment, Official Reserves, Balance of Trade, Sovereign Rating


Italia: Economia a Metà 2012 - Osservatorio Trimestrale sui Dati Economici Italiani (Italy: Economy in Mid-2012 - Observatory Quarterly Economic Data Italians)

Number of pages: 36 Posted: 12 Sep 2012
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN and Independent
Downloads 68 (684,134)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia: L’Economia al Giro di Boa del 2011 (Italy: The Economy Halfway Through 2011)

Number of pages: 18 Posted: 19 Aug 2011
Maurizio Mazziero
Downloads 65 (699,882)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment


Italia Economia a Fine 2014 (Italy - At the Close of 2014)

Quaderno di Ricerca, Year 5, No.1 (2015) - ISSN 2283-7035
Number of pages: 52 Posted: 17 Feb 2015
Independent, Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 63 (711,042)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italy - At the Half-Way Mark in 2012

Number of pages: 36 Posted: 16 Sep 2012
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN and Independent
Downloads 63 (711,042)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Fine 2020 (Italy - At the Close of 2020)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 11, Number 4 ISSN 2283-7035, 2020
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 22 Mar 2021
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 57 (745,738)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Fine 2016 (Italy - At the Close of 2016)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 7, Number 1 ISSN 2283-7035, 2017 
Number of pages: 58 Posted: 21 Feb 2017
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 55 (758,272)



Public Spending, Public Debt, GDP, GDP Growth, Government Bonds, Inflation, Unemployment, Official Reserves, Balance of Trade, Sovereign Rating


Italia Economia a Metà 2021 (Italy: Economy in Mid-2021)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 11, Number 3 ISSN 2283-7035, 2021
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 28 Sep 2021
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 53 (771,222)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Fine 2015 (Italy - At the Close of 2015)

Year 6 - Number 1 ISSN 2283-7035 Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 18 Feb 2016
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 53 (770,725)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Metà 2019 (Italy: Economy in Mid-2019)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 9, Number 3 ISSN 2283-7035, 2019
Number of pages: 50 Posted: 30 Sep 2019
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 46 (819,526)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 1 Trim 2012: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1Q 2012: GDP, Debt & Co)

Number of pages: 47 Posted: 12 Jun 2012
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN and Independent
Downloads 46 (819,526)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Fine 2018 (Italy - At the Close of 2018)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 9, Number 1 ISSN 2283-7035, 2017
Number of pages: 62 Posted: 11 Mar 2019
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 45 (826,796)



Public Spending, Public Debt, GDP, GDP Growth, Government Bonds, Inflation, Unemployment, Official Reserves, Balance of Trade, Sovereign Rating


Italia 3 Trim 2011: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3q2011: GDP, Debt & Co)

Number of pages: 22 Posted: 15 Dec 2011
Maurizio Mazziero
Downloads 45 (826,796)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade


Italia Economia a Fine 2019 (Italy - At the Close of 2019)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 10, Number 1 ISSN 2283-7035, 2020
Number of pages: 50 Posted: 19 Mar 2020
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 44 (834,412)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Fine 2013 (Italy - At the Close of 2013)

Quaderno di Ricerca, Year 4, No.1 - ISSN 2283-7035
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 18 Feb 2014
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 42 (849,994)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia: Economia a Metà 2014 (Italy: Economy in Mid-2014)

Quaderno di Ricerca, Year 4, No. 3 - ISSN 2283-7035 (2014)
Number of pages: 75 Posted: 16 Sep 2014
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 41 (858,075)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 1 Trim 2018: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1q 2018: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 8, Number 2 ISSN 2283-7035, 2017
Number of pages: 60 Posted: 06 Jun 2018
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 40 (866,353)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Metà 2017 (Italy: Economy in Mid-2017)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 7, Number 3 ISSN 2283-7035, 2017 
Number of pages: 52 Posted: 21 Sep 2017
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 40 (866,353)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 3 Trim 2012: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3Q2012: GDP, Debt & Co )

Number of pages: 39 Posted: 21 Nov 2012
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN and Independent
Downloads 40 (866,353)
Citation 5



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 3 Trim 2019: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3Q 2019: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 9, Number 4 ISSN 2283-7035, 2019
Number of pages: 54 Posted: 10 Dec 2019
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 39 (874,592)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Metà 2018 (Italy: Economy in Mid-2018)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 8, Number 3, ISSN 2283-7035, 2017
Number of pages: 50 Posted: 13 Oct 2018
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 38 (883,322)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 1 Trim 2019: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1q 2019: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 9, Number 2 ISSN 2283-7035, 2019
Number of pages: 52 Posted: 07 Jun 2019
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 36 (900,951)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 1 Trim 2013: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1Q 2013: GDP, Debt & Co)

Number of pages: 35 Posted: 17 May 2013
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN and Independent
Downloads 36 (900,951)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 3 Trim 2016: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3q 2016: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 6, Number 4 ISSN 2283-7035, 2016
Number of pages: 62 Posted: 26 Nov 2016
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 34 (919,088)



Public Spending, Public Debt, GDP, GDP Growth, Government Bonds, Inflation, Unemployment, Official Reserves, Balance of Trade, Sovereign Rating


Italia 3 Trim 2013: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3Q 2013: GDP, Debt & Co)

Quaderno di Ricerca, Year 3, No. 4 - ISSN 2283-7035
Number of pages: 44 Posted: 19 Nov 2013
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 34 (919,088)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 1 Trim 2020: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1Q 2020: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 10, Number 2 ISSN 2283-7035, 2020
Number of pages: 48 Posted: 15 Jun 2020
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 33 (928,337)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Metà 2016 (Italy: Economy in Mid-2016)

Year 6 - Number 3 ISSN 2283-7035 Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240
Number of pages: 64 Posted: 20 Sep 2016
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 33 (928,337)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia: Economia a Fine 2012 (Italy - At the Close of 2012)

Number of pages: 38 Posted: 22 Feb 2013
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN and Independent
Downloads 33 (928,337)
Citation 3



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 1 Trim 2015: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1q 2015: GDP, Debt & Co)

Quaderno di Ricerca, Year 5, No.2 (2015) - ISSN 2283-7035
Number of pages: 51 Posted: 18 May 2015 Last Revised: 16 Sep 2015
Independent, Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 31 (947,373)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 3 Trim 2018: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3Q 2018: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 8, Number 4 ISSN 2283-7035, 2017
Number of pages: 70 Posted: 14 Dec 2018
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 30 (957,487)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 3 Trim 2014: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3q 2014: GDP, Debt & Co)

Quaderno di Ricerca, Year 4, No.4 (2014) - ISSN 2283-7035
Number of pages: 55 Posted: 18 Nov 2014
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 30 (957,487)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia: Economia a Metà 2013 (Italy: Economy in Mid-2013)

Number of pages: 36 Posted: 10 Sep 2013 Last Revised: 12 Sep 2013
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN and Independent
Downloads 30 (957,487)
Citation 1



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 1 Trim 2014: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1q 2014: GDP, Debt & Co)

Quaderno di Ricerca, Year 4, No.2 - ISSN 2283-7035
Number of pages: 53 Posted: 20 May 2014
Independent, Independent, Independentaffiliation not provided to SSRN, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 28 (977,852)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 3 Trim 2015: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3q 2015: GDP, Debt & Co)

Quaderno di Ricerca, Year 5, No. 4 (2015) - ISSN 2283-7035, Scientific Journal; CINECA code E230240
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 24 Nov 2015
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 26 (999,110)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 1 Trim 2022: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1Q 2022: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 12, Number 2 ISSN 2283-7035, 2022
Number of pages: 42 Posted: 08 Jun 2022
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 25 (1,009,892)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 1 Trim 2021: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1Q 2021: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 11, Number 2 ISSN 2283-7035, 2021
Number of pages: 34 Posted: 28 May 2021
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 24 (1,021,145)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Fine 2017 (Italy - At the Close of 2017)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 8, Number 1 ISSN 2283-7035, 2017
Number of pages: 56 Posted: 01 Mar 2018
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 24 (1,021,145)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Metà 2015 (Italy: Economy in Mid-2015)

Quaderno di Ricerca, Year 5, No. 3 (2015) - ISSN 2283-7035, Scientific Journal; CINECA code E230240
Number of pages: 47 Posted: 19 Sep 2015
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 24 (1,021,145)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 1 Trim 2017: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1q 2017: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 7, Number 2 ISSN 2283-7035, 2017 
Number of pages: 70 Posted: 26 May 2017
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 23 (1,032,602)



Public Spending, Public Debt, GDP, GDP Growth, Government Bonds, Inflation, Unemployment, Official Reserves, Balance of Trade, Sovereign Rating


Italia 1 Trim 2016: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 1Q 2016: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Year 6 - Number 2 ISSN 2283-7035 Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240
Number of pages: 64 Posted: 16 May 2016
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 21 (1,056,085)



public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia Economia a Fine 2021 (Italy - At the Close of 2021)

Number of pages: 40 Posted: 11 Apr 2022
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 19 (1,080,270)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating


Italia 3 Trim 2017: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3q 2017: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 7, Number 4, ISSN 2283-7035, 2017
Number of pages: 60 Posted: 01 Dec 2017
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 19 (1,080,270)



Public Spending, Public Debt, GDP, GDP Growth, Government Bonds, Inflation, Unemployment, Official Reserves, Balance of Trade, Sovereign Rating


Italia 3 Trim 2020: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3Q 2020: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 10, Number 4 ISSN 2283-7035, 2020
Number of pages: 40 Posted: 18 Feb 2021
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 17 (1,104,893)



Public Spending, Public Debt, GDP, GDP Growth, Government Bonds, Inflation, Unemployment, Official Reserves, Balance of Trade, Sovereign Rating


Italia 3 Trim 2021: Pil, Debito & Co (Italy 3Q 2021: GDP, Debt & Co.)

Notebook Research Quarterly Observatory on Italian Economic Data Scientific Journal - CINECA No. E230240, Year 11, Number 4 ISSN 2283-7035, 2021
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 12 Feb 2022
Independent, Independent and Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano - Telematica RomaNCI - University in London
Downloads 16 (1,117,370)



Public spending, public debt, GDP, GDP growth, government bonds, inflation, unemployment, official reserves, balance of trade, sovereign rating