Place Montesquieu, 3
Louvain-la-Neuve, 1348
Catholic University of Louvain - Centre for the Philosophy of Law
Genetic resources, intellectual property rights
Microbial genetic resources, Plant genetic resources Animal genetic resources, Biodiversity, Access and benefit sharing, Intellectual property, Open source licensing.
scientific research commons, microbiology, public domain, basic knowledge
interdisciplinarity; incommensurability; paradigm; disciplinary boundaries
scientific research commons, microorganisms culture collections, public goods, non-commercial research, codes of conduct, plant genetic resources
sustainability, social-ecological systems, epistemic values, theoretical assumptions, reflexivity, methodological pluralism
commons, intellectual property rights, genetic resources, governance
payments for environmental services, EU Common Agricultural Policy, bridging organisations, network governance, social learning, environmental attitudes
agrobiodiversity, intellectual property, plant innovation
disagreement; epistemic values; realism; quantum mechanics; EPR; Bell’s inequalities
sustainability research, epistemic values, theoretical assumptions, reflexivity, deliberation, transdisciplinarity