Swen Parsons Hall 270
DeKalb, IL 60115
United States
Northern Illinois University College of Law
in Total Papers Downloads
sharing economy, Airbnb, San Francisco, Portland, Uber, collaborative economy, collaborative consumption, the mesh, access-based consumption, local government, land use, zoning, neighborhoods,
sharing economy, TSRs, TDRs, property, tourism, land use
sustainability, climate change, adaptation, resiliency
wildfire, CWPP, community wildfire protection plan, wildland-urban interface, WUI, Firewise, Cohesive Strategy,
agritourism, agriculture, land use, economic development, local government
land use, area of city impact, growth management, state and local government law, extra-territorial, counties, cities, Idaho, smart growth, sustainability
affordable housing; land use; community land trusts; affordable housing land trusts; Chicago; Irvine; CLTs; housing
land use, cities, climate change, resiliency, socio-ecological, infrastructure, VMT, GHG, greenhouse gas, vehicle miles traveled, heat island effect, green building, population, migration
clinical, clinic, community economic development, economic development, community and economic development, legal education, legal pedagogy
public art, zoning, land use, fees
sharing economy, redistribution, Airbnb, Uber, short term rentals, transportation network companies, local government
Airbnb, sharing economy, collaborative consumption, gig economy, platform, VRBO, HomeAway, CDA230, CDA 230, Communications Decency Act, Section 230, internet exceptionalism
green building, green leasing, sustainability, greenhouse gas, GHG, leasing
local government, environmental, neighborhoods, Tiebout, zoning, neighborhood courts, neighborhood schools, climate change, community benefits agreements, neighborhood design
energy; wind; solar; coal; fracking; hydraulic fracturing; flaring; Bakken; utilities; rooftop solar; Clean Power Plan; Clean Power Rule; renewables
conservation, easement, agriculture, ranching, open space, land use
urban data, sharing economy, artificial intelligence, big data, AI, platform
land use, visual, Edward Casey, Henri Lefebvre, Edward Hopper, legal geography, form-based zoning codes, disenos, aesthetics, law and literature
food safety, food, land use, cottage food, cottage farm, food sovereignty, food freedom, agritourism, economic development, rural, Food Safety Modernization Act, Tester Amendment, zoning, building codes
"land use" subdivisions
land use, resiliency, cities, resilient, resilient cities, municipal finance, adaptive law, economic development, interstate governmental agreements, civity, urban land ethic, socio-ecological, right to destroy, city resilience index, New York City, Sandy, disaster
wildfire, CWPPs, WUI, wildland-urban interface, community wildfire protection plan, Firewise
housing, affordable housing, racially restrictive covenants, land use, voucher, MTO, Moving to Opportunity
land use planning, land use, economic development, rural, agriculture, zoning, comprehensive plans, economic development planning
land use,urban agriculture, vertical farm, population, agriculture, economic development
wildfire, CWPP, WUI, wildland-urban interface, wildland urban interface
land use, accessory dwelling units, single-family districts, zoning, ADUs, development, developer, HUD
landlord, tenant, fair housing, fair lending, housing, affordable housing, LIHTC, homeless, homelessness, renters, rent, homes, home buyers
housing, affordable housing, LIHTC, HUD, mortgage, redlining
land use, climate change, local government, IPCC, International Panel on Climate Change
police power, local government, property, community rights, liberty
hydraulic fracturing, fracking, dormant Commerce Clause
Wildfire, CWPP, Community Wildfire Protection Plan, Wildland-Urban Interface, WUI, Firewise, Cohesive Strategy
green building, LEED, Build It Green, sustainability, local government
Idaho, administrative law, local government law
historic preservation, commercial speech
wildfire, prescribed fire, prescribed burn, nuisance, negligence, trespass, FTCA, certified burner
land use, endowment lands, Preserve McCall, Payette Lake
Land Use, Sustainability, RLUIPA, Zoning, Nuisance, Pedagogy, Comprehensive Plan, General Plan, Variance, Subdivision, Nonconforming, Takings, Exactions, Impact Fees, Signs, Billboards, Local Environmental Law, Climate Change