United States
in Total Papers Downloads
in Total Papers Citations
depositions, trials, tricks, tactics, litigation, litigators, lawyers, attorneys, evidence
law schools, legal education, law students, legal training, legal profession, legal practitoners, law school administrators, law school curricula, legal employment, legal job market
verbal communication, nonverbal communication, attorneys, lawyers, courtesy, legal writing, writing clarity, role models, mentors, verification, confirmation, documents retention, scheduling, email, inappropriate comments, professional conduct
attorneys, lawyers, witnesses, litigation, depositions, legal practice, discovery, evidence, litigators, deponents, exhibits, ordering of questions
large law firms, law practice, economic conditions, recession, economic downturn, law firm layoffs, law school graduates, legal profession, practice-ready graduates, law schools, legal education, new economic realities, downsizing, less upward mobility, increasing competition, law school curriculum
witnesses, depositions, discovery, evidence, attorneys, lawyers, Maryland Rules, discovery case law, Federal Rules, federal case law
civil lawsuits, mediation, settlement conferences, mediators, retired judges, mediation groups, dispute resolution
ADR, mediation, litigation, settlement, zone of reasonableness
litigation, settlement, written agreements, dismissal with prejudice, covenant not to sue, releases, verbal understandings, compromise, oral settlement agreements,
law schools, legal education, law firms, legal profession, law school enrollment, law graduates, litigators, trials, civil cases, student loans, job market, job placement, practical skills, job skills, ADR
Written Communication, Oral Communication, Practice of Law, Record Keeping, File Management, Client Protection, Opposing Counsel, Conversations, Agreements, Dates, Events
depositions, evidence, discovery abuse, professional responsibility, inappropriate conduct, counsel, sanctions, sanctionable conduct, federal Rule 30, deposition conduct guidelines, Hall v. Clifton Precision, misconduct, attorneys, lawyers, counsel
attorneys, lawyers, witnesses, psychological skills, sociological skills, trial practice, trial courts, discovery, private investigation, discretion, courtesy, respect, demeanor, cross-examination, interviews, depositions, interpersonal relations, testimony
humor, levity, civil trials, criminal trials, trial practice, litigation, attorneys, lawyers, judges, juries
law firms, legal practice, lawyers, attorneys, Piper & Marbury, Piper Rudnick, law firm growth, law firm evolution, lw firm changes, Maryland, Baltimore, East Coast
blue laws, commerce, Sunday, closing laws, police power, criminal law, first amendment, due process, equal protection, monopoly, discriminatory enforcement,
armed services, short hair wigs, military reservists, grooming, haircut standards, litigation, hairpieces, military regulations, weekend drills, summer training duty
oral communication, written communication, trial practice, law office management, law office communications, legal writing, attention span, trial lawyers, trial attorneys
all volunteer military, enlistment contract, military enlistment agreement, traditional contractual elements, mutual assent, capacity to contract, breach of contract, remedies
novice lawyers, novice attorneys, expert witnesses, rookie, litigation, complex litigation, evidence, burdens of proof, trial practice, witness preparation
less is more, written communication, oral communication, court procedure, litigation, legal strategy, attorneys, lawyers, brevity, court practice, counsel
banks, savings and loans, federal regulation, state regulation, directors, officers, litigation, liability insurance, monetary recovery, lawyers, attorneys
legal practice, communication, clients, interpersonal relations, law office practice, law office management, attorneys, lawyers, client satisfaction, client relations
case organization, case information, correspondence, bills, receipts, dockets, legal research, documents, witnesses, trial book, depositions, legal malpractice, locating documents, file organization
law firms, new associates, legal secretaries, new lawyers, new employees, law firm culture, new attorneys, law firm practices, law firm environment
punitive damage awards, exemplary damage awards, gross negligence, actual malice, implied malice, torts, contracts, trial issues
juries, trials, trial lawyers, trial attorneys, courtroom practice, trial practice, communication, litigation,
Maryland, voir dire, court rules, court procedure, legal counsel, attorneys. lawyers, failure to disclose, potential jurors, juries, peremptory challenges
attorneys, lawyers, jurisdiction, trial practice, court rules, local rules, local counsel, dress code, voir dire, court room technology, out-of-state practice
civil appellate advocacy, appellate courts, briefs, attorneys, lawyers, legal skills, courtroom practice, appellate cases
evidence, hypnotically induced testimony, crime, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, Maryland, hypnosis, witnesses, reliability, courts, scientific evidence
adult grooming, hair length, constitutional law, facial hair, grooming styles, personal appearance, Supreme Court, law suits, restrictions
lawyer malpractice, attorney malpractice, legal malpractice, negligence, suits against lawyers, malpractice insurance premiums, professional responsibility
hypnosis, courtroom, admissibility of testimony, evidence, witnesses, restoring memory, civil procedure, criminal procedure
jury trials, lawyers, attorneys, trial practice, continuing legal education, juries, judges
trial practice, jurors, interviews, interviewing, recollections, impressions, trial judges, trial evaluation questionnaire, post-trial information
client, legal representation, outside counsel, surrogates, outside litigation, reporting requirements, case assessment, client relations, timely reporting, oral communications, written communications, institutional clients
armed forces, military, reservists, reserve obligations, 10 U.S.C. § 673a, involuntary activation, active duty, federal courts, remedies
law office, legal secretaries, legal secretary training, legal practice, attorneys, lawyers, telephone etiquette, work load prioritization, case communication, case evaluation, sounding board, paralegals, trial assistance, office management, billing, purchasing, personnel, executive secretary
directors, responsibilities, liabilities, higher standard of care, financial institutions, corporate directors, review of documentation, financial statements, management letters, minutes, senior management, regulatory authorities, long-range goals, anticipated growth, fellow board directors
colleges, universities, students, faculty, staff, alumni, litigation, suspension, desegregation, expulsion, search and seizure, censorship, student access, campus security, equal rights, handicapped students, scholarships, grades, student loans, privacy rights
technology, trial preparation, interviewing witnesses, videotape, video recording, particular locations, mock cross-examination, simulated trial, opening statements, closing arguments, evidence, witness skills, how something is said
appellate courts, criminal law, civil actions, fugitives, police, law enforcement, evasion, pursuit of appellate rights, Maryland Deposit Insurance Fund Corporation v. Tom J. Billman, 580 A.2d 1044, 321 Md. 3, Maryland,
civil practice, pre-trial, litigation, law school, motions practice, Maryland law