Fosswinckelsgt. 6
N-5007 Bergen, 5007
University of Bergen - Department of Economics
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maternity leave, children's outcomes
crime, employment, incarceration, recidivism
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crime, employment, incarceration, Recidivism
child development, neonatal care, regression discontinuity
maternal smoking, smoking bans, very low birth weight
adult outcomes, time with mother, maternity leave
Child Development, Maternity Leave
social interactions, peer effects, program participation
program participation, peer effects, social interactions
paid maternity leave, redistribution effects of social programs
formal and informal care, elderly, welfare state, women's career
welfare reform, single mothers, child development, time and money investments
instrumental variables estimation, fixed effects estimation, nonlinearities, child development, family income, linear models
Childcare subsidies, academic perfornance
intergenerational proximity, marriage, location decisions
Gender relations, Geographic mobility, Married couples, Residence choice
education, income subsidy, child care
well-child visits, early-life interventions, health and inequality
Earnings, education, health, Infant health care, Welfare state