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CEPII, Paris
University Paris-Dauphine - PSL
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Ageing populations, longevity, overlapping generation model, pension reforms, employability, old workers, economic convergence
Public health expenditures, long-term care expenditures, ageing populations, longevity, demographic and non-demographic effects, projection methods
Health expenditures, ageing, longevity, Human capital, Growth
Investment in tertiary education, Returns to education, Supply of tertiary education, Student individual financing systems, Taxation
public health expenditures, health policies and institutions, demographic and non-demographic effects, linear and non-linear estimates, cross-country variation
Ageing populations, Longevity, Consumption, Saving
Market structure, specialisation, trade barriers, South America
Second-best, Complementarity, structural reforms, reform
imperfect competition, mark-up, Solow residual, business cycle
Ageing, consumption, longevity, pensions, saving
Ageing, consumption, health, longevity, pension systems, saving
spatial productivity, productivity growth, local development, cities, regions, industries, firms, places
Globalization, democracy, freedoms, development, convergence
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convergence, democracy, Development, freedoms, Globalization, panel data, three-stage least squares
Place-based policies, regional growth, discontent, lagging regions
Regional development, regional inequality, functional regions
Investment in tertiary education, returns to education, supply of tertiary education
Romania, Transition, Enterprise Restructuring, State-owned Enterprises, SMEs, Subsidies, Arrears, Privatisation