Clearwater Bay
Kowloon, 999999
Hong Kong
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST)
prospect theory, loss aversion, probability weighting
Innovation, Patents, Research and Development, New Products, Corporate Taxes
Mutual Funds, Flow-Performance, Performance Predictability
Alternative data, Satellite imagery, Asset price impact, Macroeconomic estimates
Insiders, Brokers, Analysts, Mutual Funds, Information Transmission
Legal Enforcement Costs, Debt Contracts, Trade Credit, Asset Structure
College Major Choice, Human Capital Investment, Stock Return Skewness, News Tone Skewness, Salience
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Shareholder rights, Delaware Court rulings, Information costs
Sanctions enforcement, Oil transport, Machine learning, Shipping, Satellite data
Intermediaries and Asset Prices, Behavioral Finance, Mutual Funds, Investor Behavior, Portfolio Choice
Finance and growth, Infrastructure, Roads, Rural lending
JEL classification: O2, O18, O43, L26 Entrepreneurship, Rural Roads, Gender-gap, Small Businesses, Infrastructure and Growth
Shareholder rights, Veto power, Agency conflicts, Signal precision
Analyst dissidence, career concerns, private information, bounded rationality, Analyst forecasts, Market efficiency