Rahul Anand

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

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Scholarly Papers (21)


Service Export Sophistication and Economic Growth

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5606
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 20 Apr 2016
International Monetary Fund (IMF), The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 798 (64,920)
Citation 3



Economic Theory & Research, Public Sector Corruption & Anticorruption Measures, Commodities, Housing & Human Habitats, Banks & Banking Reform


India: Defining and Explaining Inclusive Growth and Poverty Reduction

IMF Working Paper No. 14/63
Number of pages: 35 Posted: 15 May 2014
Rahul Anand, Volodymyr Tulin and Naresh Kumar
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and UC Santa Cruz
Downloads 419 (144,915)



Economic growth, India, Income distribution, Poverty reduction, state level growth, inequality, inclusive growth, consumption growth, social mobility, social spending, gini, dependent variable, decline in poverty, welfare distribution, gini coefficient, per capita consumption, national poverty line, reducing poverty, consumption expenditure, poverty headcount ratio, social services, inequality decomposition, social welfare, rate of poverty reduction, specific poverty line, household consumption expenditure, gini index, labor market, welfare function, average welfare, pro-poor, changes in poverty, distribution of income, income equality, consumption distribution, per capita expenditure, urban


Make in India: Which Exports Can Drive the Next Wave of Growth?

IMF Working Paper No. 15/119
Number of pages: 67 Posted: 21 Jul 2015
Rahul Anand, Kalpana Kochhar and Saurabh Mishra
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 374 (165,207)
Citation 1



Exports, India, Manufactured goods, Services, Technological innovation, Foreign direct investment, Regional trade, Trade integration, Trade liberalization, Economic growth, Manufacturing, Innovations, transport, travel, vehicles


Inclusive Growth: Measurement and Determinants

IMF Working Paper No. 13/135
Number of pages: 28 Posted: 21 Jun 2013
Rahul Anand, Saurabh Mishra and Shanaka Peiris
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) - African Department
Downloads 364 (169,842)
Citation 1



Economic growth, Purchasing power parity, Income distribution, Poverty, Emerging markets, Low-income developing countries, Cross country analysis, economic growth, pro-poor growth, distribution, equity, inequality, inclusive growth, inclusive growth, social mobility, pro-poor, distribution of income, welfare function, dependent variable, social welfare, human capital, gini, reducing inequality, income distribution data, income distribution, pro-poor growth, rising inequality, reducing poverty, growth pro-poor, labor market, non-poor households, falling poverty, inequality determinants, gini index, average income growth, inequality declines, income equality, inequalities of opportunities, equ


Food Inflation in India: The Role for Monetary Policy

IMF Working Paper No. 14/178
Number of pages: 24 Posted: 04 Nov 2014
Rahul Anand, Ding Ding and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 327 (190,788)



Food prices, India, Inflation, Monetary policy, Econometric models, forecasting, food inflation, India., monetary fund, inflation dynamics, real interest rate, aggregate demand, monetary transmission, price inflation, inflation equation, inflation rate, high inflation, monetary transmission mechanism, nominal interest rate, central bank, rational expectations, inflationary pressures, financial stability, monetary policy rule, monetary economics, price stability, inflation objective, inflation data, inflation rates, measure of inflation, liquidity management, inflation target, inflation process, monetary stance, nominal interest rates, monetary policy rules, monetary management, rise in infla


How Will Changes in Globalization Impact Growth in South Asia?

World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5079
Number of pages: 44 Posted: 20 Apr 2016
Syed Ejaz Ghani and Rahul Anand
World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 258 (244,046)



Macroeconomic Management, Capital Flows, Globalization and Financial Integration, Economic Growth, Trade and Services


The Fiscal and Welfare Impacts of Reforming Fuel Subsidies in India

IMF Working Paper No. 13/128
Number of pages: 32 Posted: 18 Jun 2013
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 250 (251,956)
Citation 2



Fiscal reforms, India, Energy sector, Oil, Subsidies, Welfare, Fuel pricing, subsidy reform, distributional impact, compensating transfers, income groups, cash transfers, input-output, cash transfer, direct impact, household consumption, social safety net, reform agenda, income decile, household expenditure, distributional impact, fiscal cost, poverty line, household survey, income distribution, implementation of reforms, national accounts, household survey data, living standards, analytical work, reform efforts, social impact analysis, statistical office, impact analysis, conditional cash transfer, fiscal policy, reform programs, household size, distributional impacts, reform package, refor


South Africa: Labor Market Dynamics and Inequality

IMF Working Paper No. 16/137
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 09 Dec 2016
Rahul Anand, Siddharth Kothari and Naresh Kumar
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and UC Santa Cruz
Downloads 242 (260,212)



Unemployment, South Africa, Income inequality, Labor markets, Panel analysis, Regression analysis, Unemployment, South Africa, Labor market transitions, Inequality


Potential Growth in Emerging Asia

IMF Working Paper No. 14/2
Number of pages: 27 Posted: 29 Jan 2014
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 195 (319,241)



Economic growth, China, India, Asia, Emerging markets, Productivity, Fiscal reforms, potential growth, total factor productivity, emerging Asia, tfp, unemployment, growth rate, growth accounting, nairu, gdp growth, labor force, unemployment rate, labor force participation, growth rates, labor participation, labor force participation rate, rate of unemployment, business cycle, rate of growth, natural rate of unemployment, real gdp, business cycles, growth model, non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment, gdp per capita, labor participation rate, gdp growth rate

What Measure of Inflation Should a Developing Country Central Bank Target?

IMF Working Paper No. 15/205
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 27 Nov 2015
Rahul Anand, Eswar S. Prasad and Boyang Zhang
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Cornell University - Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and Cornell University, Department of Economics, Students
Downloads 76 (654,434)
Citation 3



monetary policy framework, core inflation, headline inflation, financial frictions, inflation, economies, welfare, Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects),

What Measure of Inflation Should a Developing Country Central Bank Target?

IZA Discussion Paper No. 9219
Number of pages: 39 Posted: 04 Sep 2015
Rahul Anand, Eswar S. Prasad and Boyang Zhang
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Cornell University - Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and Cornell University, Department of Economics, Students
Downloads 59 (747,738)



headline inflation, core inflation, monetary policy framework, inflation targeting, financial frictions

What Measure of Inflation Should a Developing Country Central Bank Target?

NBER Working Paper No. w21388
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 27 Jul 2015 Last Revised: 11 Jun 2023
Rahul Anand, Eswar S. Prasad and Boyang Zhang
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Cornell University - Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management and Cornell University, Department of Economics, Students
Downloads 51 (801,323)
Citation 4



Optimal Price Indices for Targeting Inflation Under Incomplete Markets

IMF Working Paper No. 10/200
Number of pages: 63 Posted: 01 Feb 2011
Rahul Anand and Eswar S. Prasad
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Cornell University - Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Downloads 107 (525,222)



Consumer price indexes, Consumption, Demand, Economic models, Emerging markets, Food production, Inflation, Inflation targeting, Monetary policy, Price elasticity, Welfare

Optimal Price Indices for Targeting Inflation Under Incomplete Markets

NBER Working Paper No. w16290
Number of pages: 69 Posted: 24 Aug 2010 Last Revised: 07 Jul 2023
Rahul Anand and Eswar S. Prasad
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Cornell University - Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Downloads 77 (649,676)
Citation 1




An Estimated Model with Macrofinancial Linkages for India

IMF Working Paper No. 10/21
Number of pages: 45 Posted: 01 Feb 2010
Shanaka Peiris, Magnus Saxegaard and Rahul Anand
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - African Department, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 142 (419,629)



Bank credit, Capital flows, Corporate sector, Economic models, Exchange rates, External borrowing, External financing, External shocks, Financial sector, Foreign exchange, India, Monetary policy


Structural Transformation and the Sophistication of Production

IMF Working Paper No. NO.12/59
Number of pages: 51 Posted: 25 Mar 2012
Rahul Anand, Saurabh Mishra and Nicola Spatafora
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 126 (461,061)
Citation 2



Structural Transformation, Sophistication Of Production, Service Exports, Economic Growth, Low-income Developing Countries, Manufacturing Sector, Productivity, Services Sector


South Africa's Exports Performance: Any Role for Structural Factors?

IMF Working Paper No. 16/24
Number of pages: 17 Posted: 28 Mar 2016
Rahul Anand, Roberto Perrelli and Boyang Zhang
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Cornell University, Department of Economics, Students
Downloads 121 (475,668)



structural bottlenecks, exchange rate, depreciation, relative prices, currency, Country and Industry Studies of Trade, Macroeconomic Analyses of Economic Development,


Toward Inflation Targeting in Sri Lanka

IMF Working Paper No. 11/81
Number of pages: 29 Posted: 19 Apr 2011
Shanaka Peiris, Ding Ding and Rahul Anand
International Monetary Fund (IMF) - African Department, International Monetary Fund and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 106 (524,864)



Central banks, Forecasting models, Inflation targeting, Monetary policy, Sri Lanka


Understanding India's Food Inflation: The Role of Demand and Supply Factors

IMF Working Paper No. 16/2
Number of pages: 43 Posted: 17 Feb 2016
Rahul Anand, Naresh Kumar and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund (IMF), UC Santa Cruz and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 99 (550,473)
Citation 2



food inflation, cereal buffer stocks, food, cereals, rice, wheat, food supply, Forecasting and Simulation, Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects), Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Development


Macroeconomic Impact of Product and Labor Market Reforms on Informality and Unemployment in India

IMF Working Paper No. 16/47
Number of pages: 61 Posted: 07 Mar 2017
Rahul Anand and Purva Khera
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 87 (596,836)



Labor market reforms, India, Labor markets, Products, Unemployment, Informal sector, Hiring, Labor market regulations, structural reforms, product market deregulation, labor market deregulation,unemployment, wage bargaining, informality, DSGE, Indian economy, Bayesian estimation


Optimal Price Indices for Targeting Inflation Under Incomplete Markets

IZA Discussion Paper No. 5137
Number of pages: 70 Posted: 24 Aug 2010
Rahul Anand and Eswar S. Prasad
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Cornell University - Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management
Downloads 78 (635,645)



inflation targeting, monetary policy framework, core inflation, headline inflation, financial frictions, liquidity constraints


An Open Economy Quarterly Projection Model for Sri Lanka

IMF Working Paper No. 18/149
Number of pages: 59 Posted: 01 Aug 2018
Central Bank of Sri Lanka, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, Central Bank of Sri Lanka, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Central Bank of Sri Lanka and Central Bank of Sri Lanka
Downloads 57 (744,853)



Monetary policy, Inflation targeting, Economic forecasting, Fiscal projections, Open economies, Econometric models, Quarterly Projection Model, Forecasting and Policy Analysis System, Flexible Inflation Targeting, General, Forecasting and Simulation, Monetary Policy (Targets, Instruments, and Effects)


Disentangling India's Investment Slowdown

IMF Working Paper No. 14/47
Number of pages: 19 Posted: 10 Apr 2014
Rahul Anand and Volodymyr Tulin
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 53 (770,257)



Investment, India, Interest rates, Economic policy, Economic models, Investments, Policy Uncertainty., inflation, real interest rate, real interest rates, monetary policy, monetary fund, nominal interest rate, relative prices, nominal interest rates, money market interest rates, real rates, inflation rate, coefficient on inflation


Achieving the Bank of Japan's Inflation Target

IMF Working Paper No. 19/229
Number of pages: 38 Posted: 03 Dec 2019
Rahul Anand, Gee Hee Hong and Yaroslav Hul
International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Monetary Fund (IMF) and International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Downloads 47 (811,608)



Purchasing power parity, Fiscal sector, Economic theory, Monetary policy, Central bank policy, Inflation targeting, forecasting, fan charts, zero lower bound, FPAS, WP, inflation expectation, output gap, core inflation, ELB, inflation target