John Molson School of Business, Concordia University
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Climate change, flood risk, asset prices, investor sophistication, real estate
Real Estate Investment Trusts, Sustainability, Energy Efficiency
Environmental performance, commercial mortgage valuation, corporate bonds, commercial real estate, real estate investment trusts (REITs)
finance, mortgage-backed securities, climate risk, asset pricing, environmental economics
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CMBS, non-bank lending, geographical distance, asymmetric information, loan spread
Environmental performance, corporate performance, valuation, cash flows, real estate, retail
COVID-19, mobility, bank stability, non-performing loans, relationship banking
Bank loan, collateral discount, real estate transactions, foreign demand
Board Diversity, Gender, Real Estate, Risk Preferences, Cities, Green Buildings
Commercial real estate, investor proximity, real estate investment, rental value, property management
REITs, Overconfidence, Real Estate Investment, Performance