35 Stirling Highway, M251
Crawley, WA 6009
University of Western Australia
in Total Papers Citations
Two-stage least squares, instrumental variables, hypothesis testing, weak instruments, clustered errors, wild bootstrap
Investment, Adjustment costs, Weak identification
Macroeconomic volatility, Monetary policy, Mundell’s trilemma, Sri Lanka
GMM, identification, structural stability, Lucas critique
risk preferences, time preferences, gender differences, financial crisis
Euler equation, Weak identification, Open economy
Monetary Policy, Stock Market, Fed Put, Parameter Instability, Structural Break
Uncertainty shocks, investment dynamics, TVP-VARs with stochastic volatility, Bayesian VARs, Great Recession
Uncertainty shocks, inflation dynamics, TVP-VARs with stochastic volatility
Trust levels, Risk preferences, gender differences, Natural disasters