University of Parma
Automation, Robots, Digitalization, Unions, Employee Representation, Labor Market Institutions
Firm Heterogeneity; Productivity; Profit; Misallocation; Capabilities; Italy
automation, robots, artificial intelligence, unions, employee representation, labor market institutions, European Company Survey
Digital-based monitoring, technology, control aversion, worker voice, employee representation JEL: J5, M54, 032
digital-based monitoring, algorithmic management, HR analytics, transparency, innovation, worker voice, employee representation
social networks, primary school, friendships, parents' bias, homophily, peer effects, Bonacich centrality
Open-source software, organizational equilibria, institutional complementarities, transaction costs, evolutionary game theory
job quality, temporary employment, skills, labour market institutions
third party, second party, control aversion, autonomy, principal-agent game, social preferences, trust, reciprocity
employee representation, firm hierarchy, organization, European Company Survey
Incentive pay, Managerial ability, Span of control
automation risk, job design, employee representation, evolutionary game
Digital monitoring technologiees, control aversion, worker voice, employee representation
R&D, Intangibles, Unions, Collective Bargaining, Organized labour