1 University Circle
Monterey, CA 93943-5001
United States
Naval Postgraduate School
in Total Papers Citations
Value of a Statistical Injury, VSI, Value of a Statistical Life, VSL, Covid-19, Pandemic, Willingness to Pay, Benefit-Cost Analysis, CDC
value of a statistical injury, VSI, value of a statistical life, VSL, COVID-19, pandemic, willingness to pay, benefit-cost analysis, CDC
Tactical Vehicles, Military, VSL, Fatalities, Army
Job placement, Candidate, Ph.D. program, Graduate school
Value per Statistical Life, VSL, COVID-19, Pandemic, Willingness to Pay, Benefit-Cost Analysis
value of statistical life, VSL, airbags, regression discontinuity design, quasi-experiment
Tax Incidence, Cigarettes, Excise Taxes, Prices, Taxation
danger pay, casualties, VSL, deployment, military
homeless, veteran, military, deployment, combat
hedonic, discrete choice, identification, experiment, quasi-experiment, marginal willingness to pay, attribute demand, amenity, heterogeneous goods, generalized, endogenous attributes, complement, substitute
maternity leave, female labor supply, military, crowd-out
cost of saving lives, World War II, military cost functions, military capital-labor substitution, European theater of operation
Military, DOD, VSL
military, DOD, VSL
COVID-19 Risk, Value of Statistical Life, Death Certificate
Health BehaviorMicroeconomic Behavior
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