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Central Bank of Ireland
in Total Papers Citations
wages, vacancies, online job postings
Africa, capital flows, foreign direct investment, investment risk, developing
Ireland, historical statistics, inflation, unemployment, import prices
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historical statistics, import prices, inflation, Ireland, unemployment
wage growth, welfare-to-work
survey data, macroprudential policy, financial crisis, financial regulation, financial stability
bubbles, financial crises, financial regulation, financial stability indicators, macroprudential policy, real estate markets, systemic risk
expenditure, housing, income, wealth
collective bargaining, negotiated wages, wage forecasting, wage rigidity
Firms, survey, crisis, short-time work, wages, recession
firms, survey, crisis, short-time work, wages, recession
Wage growth, inflation, forecasting
Debt, Mortgage Delinquency, Arrears, Default
Unemployment, gender, inflows, outflows, dynamics
Income inequality, dynamic factor model
Historical statistics, Import prices, Inflation, Ireland, Output gap