Via Roentgen 1
Milan, 20136
Bocconi University - Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management
in Total Papers Citations
Top Income Groups, Gender, Income Composition
gender quotas, preference votes, municipal elections, regression discontinuity, local public expenditure
gender earnings, gap, gender pension gap, gender inequality, survey experiment, information provision, policy preferences
illegal immigration, amnesties, labor market mismatch, welfare state
cosine similarity, document embeddings, academia, economics, gender differences, labour force composition
quits, hirings, separations, unemployment benets, statistical discrimination, child penalty
gender quotas, municipal elections, difference in differences, age
Illegal immigration, Immigration Policy, Amnesties, Labor market mismatch
field experiment, pay-what-you-want, tax allowances, media
gender bias, research institutions, professional labor markets, word embeddings
post-secondary education, university, child care time requirement, managerial
liquidity constraints, gender wage and participation gaps, statistical discrimination, numerical example
early childhood environment, child care, labor supply, warm glow, full altruism
optimal taxation, day care quality, intergenerational transmission of skills, early childhood environment, warm-glow
International migration; A quota; A uniform entry fee; A differentiated entry fee; Heterogeneous human capital; Optimal skill composition of the developed country’s workforce; Total factor productivity
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amnesties, migration policy, Roll Call Votes