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inequality, poverty, distribution of income
poverty, children, English-speaking countries
inequality, learning, education, TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS
Anthony B. Atkinson, inequality, poverty, public economics, economic theory, economic policy
public economics, inequality, Anthony B. Atkinson, poverty
educational achievement, test scores, IALS, PISA, PIRLS, TIMSS
education, test scores, PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, IALS
social mobility, networks, family, wages
targeting, self-targeting, social assistance, Uzbekistan
social segregation, secondary schools, England, cross-national comparison
charitable donations, bequests, wealth, death, estate tax, NGOs
experiment, job search, unemployment insurance, Hungary
charitable giving, overseas development, philanthropy, UK
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charitable donations, overseas development, NGOs
income data, banding, information loss, Omnibus survey, British Social Attitudes survey
non-response, bias, school survey, data linkage, PISA
intra-household transfers, teenager labour supply
global poverty, income, consumption, multidimensional poverty, cosmopolitanism
overseas development, charitable giving
international comparisons, educational inequality, socioeconomic status, measurement error, PISA, PIRLS
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), survey design, data linkage, non-response, educational achievement survey
school effectiveness, school choice, value added, England
Charities, philanthropy, volunteering, development finance
Transition, poverty, social expenditures
Child Labor Supply, Intra-Household Transfers
field experiment, Hungary, job search, unemployment insurance